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Alert Input Box


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I've searched what I could and can't find my answer. Is there a LISP function similar to "alert" but instead of just the pop-up box it let's the user input something there (instead of using "prompt" in LISP)?

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Thought it'd be fun to write an example:


(defun PromptBox ( title msg / dcl dch file val )

 ;; ------------------------------------------- ;;
 ;; Arguments:-                                 ;;
 ;; ------------------------------------------- ;;
 ;; title - Dialog Box Title                    ;;
 ;; msg   - [Optional] Text to Display          ;;
 ;; ------------------------------------------- ;;
 ;; Returns:-                                   ;;
 ;; ------------------------------------------- ;;
 ;; Entered String if user presses OK, else nil ;;
 ;; ------------------------------------------- ;;
 ;; Example by Lee Mac 2010  -  www.lee-mac.com ;;
 ;; ------------------------------------------- ;;

         (setq dcl  (vl-filename-mktemp nil nil ".dcl"))
         (setq file (open dcl "w"))
               "promptbox : dialog { label = \"" title "\"; initial_focus = \"txt\"; spacer;"
               ": edit_box { key = \"txt\"; edit_width = 60; edit_limit = 2048; allow_accept = true; } spacer; ok_cancel; }"
           (setq file (close file))
           (findfile dcl)
     (<= (setq dch (load_dialog dcl)) 0)

     (vl-file-delete dcl)
     (not (new_dialog "promptbox" dch))

     (unload_dialog dch)
     (vl-file-delete dcl)
     (if msg (setq val (set_tile "txt" msg)))

     (action_tile "txt" "(setq val $value)")

     (if (zerop (start_dialog)) (setq val nil))

     (unload_dialog dch)
     (vl-file-delete dcl)


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@alanjt - Gotcha, will give that a try. Thanx.


@lee - I can understand most of that but will disect it later. It looks like you're having LISP write the DCL which I think is very funny and cool. I did take a gander at AfraLISP's DCL beginner guide and may have what I need to get me going. But am still intrigued at your direction with this.

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@lee - I can understand most of that but will disect it later. It looks like you're having LISP write the DCL which I think is very funny and cool. I did take a gander at AfraLISP's DCL beginner guide and may have what I need to get me going. But am still intrigued at your direction with this.


Yes, the DCL file is written to a temporary filename generated by vl-filename-mktemp, this file is then deleted following function completion.


You can test it with something like:


(PromptBox "Information" "AutoLISP is Fun")

Or maybe:


(PromptBox "Title" nil)


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