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if I want to get/override some special substring in a big string.what is the most efficient /easy to do this.


I have a string {\H1.1429x;φ}{\H0.7x;\S+0.1^-0.2;\H1.4286x;\C1;(small)}


then I want to get the blue part substring.or override the blue part with "replace",what

should I do?thanks.

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after some study,I use the following codes to get the value "+0.1" and "-0.2",but it failed ,any comments??

(defun c:tt(/)
(setq regex (vlax-create-object "Vbscript.RegExp"))
(vlax-put-property regex "IgnoreCase" 0)
(vlax-put-property regex "Global" 1)
(vlax-put-property regex "Pattern" "\\\\S(.*)(\\^|#|\\\\)(.*);")
(setq string "{\H1.1429x;φ}<>{\H0.7x;\S+0.1^-0.2;\H1.4286x;\C1;(small)}")
(setq result (vlax-invoke-method regex "Execute" string))
(vlax-for x result
	(setq match (vlax-get x 'Value)
			idx  (valx-get x 'FirstIndex)
			lst (cons (list match idx) lst)

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ok,here are woked codes.

but it return the matched string \\S+0.1^-0.2;

if I just want to get "+0.1" and "-0.2",what should I do?


(defun c:tt(/ regex lst)
(setq regex (vlax-create-object "Vbscript.RegExp"))
(vlax-put-property regex "IgnoreCase" 0)
(vlax-put-property regex "Global" 1)
(vlax-put-property regex "Pattern" "\\\\S(.[^;]*)(\\^)(.[^;]*);")
(setq string "{\H1.1429x;φ}<>{\H0.7x;\\S+0.1^-0.2;\H1.4286x;\C1;(small)}")
(setq result (vlax-invoke-method regex "Execute" string))
(vlax-for x result
	(setq match (vlax-get x 'Value)
			idx  (vlax-get x 'FirstIndex)
			lst (cons (list match idx) lst)
(vlax-release-object regex)

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I'm not too good with RegularExpressions, but maybe this is closer?


(defun c:tt ( / *error* regex str )

 (setq str "{\H1.1429x;?}<>{\H0.7x;\\S+0.1^-0.2;\H1.4286x;\C1;(small)}")

 (defun *error* ( msg )
   (LM:ReleaseObject regex)
   (or (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*")
       (princ (strcat "\n** Error: " msg " **")))

 (setq regex (vlax-create-object "VBScript.RegExp"))

 (setq str (caar (LM:RegExExecute regex "\\\\S.[^;]*\\^.[^;]*;" str)))

 (print (LM:RegExExecute regex "[^S]*\\^[^;]*" str))
 (LM:ReleaseObject regex)

(defun LM:RegExExecute ( regex pat str / l )
 ;; © Lee Mac 2010
     (lambda ( prop value ) (vlax-put-property regex prop value))
  '(pattern global ignorecase) (list pat actrue acfalse)
 (vlax-for x (vlax-invoke regex 'execute str)
   (setq l (cons (list (vlax-get x 'value) (vlax-get x 'firstindex)) l))
 (reverse l)

;;------------------=={ Release Object }==--------------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Releases a VLA Object from memory via plentiful error     ;;
;;  trapping                                                  ;;
;;  Author: Lee McDonnell, 2010                               ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Copyright © 2010 by Lee McDonnell, All Rights Reserved.   ;;
;;  Contact: Lee Mac @ TheSwamp.org, CADTutor.net             ;;
;;  Arguments:                                                ;;
;;  obj - VLA Object to be released from memory               ;;
;;  Returns:  T if Object Released, else nil                  ;;

(defun LM:ReleaseObject ( obj )
 ;; © Lee Mac 2010
 (and obj (eq 'VLA-OBJECT (type obj)) (not (vlax-object-released-p obj))
         (function vlax-release-object) (list obj)

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the final one.:)

(defun c:tt ( / *error* regex str )

 (setq str "{\H1.1429x;?}<>{\H0.7x;\\S+0.1^-0.2;\H1.4286x;\C1;(small)}")

 (defun *error* ( msg )
   (LM:ReleaseObject regex)
   (or (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*")
       (princ (strcat "\n** Error: " msg " **")))

 (setq regex (vlax-create-object "VBScript.RegExp"))

 (setq str (caar (LM:RegExExecute regex "\\\\S.[^;]*\\^.[^;]*;" str)))

 (setq str (caar (LM:RegExExecute regex "[^S]*\\^[^;]*" str)))
 (print (LM:RegExExecute regex "[^\\^]+" str))
 (LM:ReleaseObject regex)

(defun LM:RegExExecute ( regex pat str / l )
 ;; ? Lee Mac 2010
     (lambda ( prop value ) (vlax-put-property regex prop value))
  '(pattern global ignorecase) (list pat actrue acfalse)
 (vlax-for x (vlax-invoke regex 'execute str)
   (setq l (cons (list (vlax-get x 'value) (vlax-get x 'firstindex)) l))
 (reverse l)

;;------------------=={ Release Object }==--------------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Releases a VLA Object from memory via plentiful error     ;;
;;  trapping                                                  ;;
;;  Author: Lee McDonnell, 2010                               ;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Copyright ? 2010 by Lee McDonnell, All Rights Reserved.   ;;
;;  Contact: Lee Mac @ TheSwamp.org, CADTutor.net             ;;
;;  Arguments:                                                ;;
;;  obj - VLA Object to be released from memory               ;;
;;  Returns:  T if Object Released, else nil                  ;;

(defun LM:ReleaseObject ( obj )
 ;; ? Lee Mac 2010
 (and obj (eq 'VLA-OBJECT (type obj)) (not (vlax-object-released-p obj))
         (function vlax-release-object) (list obj)

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I found another better way to get the value.

codes as follows.


(defun c:tt(/ regex lst)
(setq regex (vlax-create-object "Vbscript.RegExp"))
(vlax-put-property regex "IgnoreCase" 0)
(vlax-put-property regex "Global" 1)
(vlax-put-property regex "Pattern" ".*\\\\S(.[^;]*)[\\^](.[^;]*);.*")
(setq string "<>{\H0.7x;\\S+0.3^+0.5;}")
(setq tp (vlax-invoke-method regex "Replace" string "$1"))
 	(setq tm (vlax-invoke-method regex "Replace" string "$2"))
 	(princ tp)
   (princ tm)
(vlax-release-object regex)

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base on the same story.

but it failed to the below codes.any idea on this???

(defun c:tt(/ regex lst)
(setq regex (vlax-create-object "Vbscript.RegExp"))
(vlax-put-property regex "IgnoreCase" 0)
(vlax-put-property regex "Global" 1)
(vlax-put-property regex "Pattern" ".*%%P(\d*[\\\\.]?\d*).*")
(setq string "<>%%P0.05")
(setq tp (vlax-invoke-method regex "Replace" string "$1"))
 	;(setq tm (vlax-invoke-method regex "Replace" string "$2"))
 	(princ tp)
   ;(princ tm)
(vlax-release-object regex)

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See how to use groups:

quickly tested though)

(defun C:demo  (/ elist en string regex result)
 (setq string (cdr
  (assoc 1
  (setq elist (entget
         (setq en (car (entsel "\n\t>> Select dimension with tolerance: "))))))))
 (setq regex (vlax-create-object "Vbscript.RegExp"))
 (vlax-put-property regex "IgnoreCase" 0)
 (vlax-put-property regex "Global" 1)
 (setq result (vlax-invoke-method
  (strcat "$1" "+0.00125" "$3" "-0.0025" "$5;")));<--build replacement here
 (vlax-release-object regex)
 (entmod (subst (cons 1 result) (assoc 1 elist) elist))
 (entupd en)



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I believe Fixo is demonstrating the idea of retrieving items from the Matches Collection when using a 'remembered match', i.e.:


[color=blue][b]Original: [/b][/color]
"[color=green][b]a[/b][b][color=red]b[/color][/b][/color][color=darkorange][b]c[/b][/color] abc abc" 

Replace with:[/b][/color]
"[b][color=darkorange]c[/color][color=red]b[/color][color=green]a[/color][/b] cba cba" 


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I believe Fixo is demonstrating the idea of retrieving items from the Matches Collection when using a 'remembered match', i.e.:


[color=blue][b]Original: [/b][/color]
"[color=green][b]a[/b][b][color=red]b[/color][/b][/color][color=darkorange][b]c[/b][/color] abc abc" 


[b][color=blue]Replace with:[/color][/b]

"[b][color=darkorange]c[/color][color=red]b[/color][color=green]a[/color][/b] cba cba" 

Yes, it's the usual way to substitute substring :)



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