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Floor mapping


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Hi again :oops: I'm working on a floor, and the way I've been doing it so far is, chosing the line and tracing the area I want and then applying shell comand. I've done that to every single floor area, i was wondering is there any better way of doing this, as the shapes get in a way for each other, and hights are uneven, for instance having one plane that covers the whole area, and applying many different maps to it to determin the areas, rather than making custom floor shapes. Any share of experience is appreciated :)

floor mapping.jpg

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You actually answered your own question. You don't need all of those separate floor areas. The entire floor can be done with one simple plane object.


For demonstration purposes, here I have created a plane 10'x10' with 12 length and width segments. Next, I have created a "Multi/Sub-Object" material with 4 materials. Each one is a different color, but you can apply texture maps instead of color if you want.


In the next step, I will tell you how to apply the map to the plane.


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First, right click on the plane and convert to editable poly.


Next, switch to Polygon editing mode and select some polygons.


The polygons you select will correspond to the material slots in your Multi/Sub-Object material. As you can see in the previous image, I have red in slot #1, blue in slot #2, green in slot #3 and yellow in slot #4. So, if I want the polygons selected below to be red, I will set the material ID to 1, as shown.


Once I'm done setting the ID for material #1, I will move on and do the same for material 2, 3 and 4.


I'll show you the finished result in the next post.


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hmm,.... I am familiar with this way, and i was considering this, but the problem is that the floor shapes are complex. I've got some curves and bends. I beleave this is were the maping comes in hand right? :)

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Well, you should be able to do all the floors parts as separate pieces, just don't shell them. That's what's causing the ugly black streaks. I would just select each spline and convert to editable poly. This will apply just a single face to each spline outline.


But if you need to shell the floor pieces, be sure to turn 'Backface Cull' on, as I mentioned in this thread: http://www.cadtutor.net/forum/showthread.php?45189-scratches-in-perspective-view. And make sure you shell them all in the same direction, and the same amount, so you don't get an uneven floor surface.

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