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yup, that's what my bad english meant with hole in the barrel :oops:


it's great to see some progress in the drawings :D thanks to your help.

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one more question, the tilting bolt goes now through the cannon barrel, however it should only be there where the two ends show out, not through the whole barrel, as it will be casted in one piec of metal. I tried to union the surfaces, but that didn't work.


Thanks for the help once more :)


Barrel detail.jpg


I tested quickly how it'll look on the undercarriage, nothing fitted yet and still a lot of details missing :)


Cannon no details.jpg


Cannon no details (XRay).jpg


Surfaces? You used surfaces for you cannon's barrel?


I drew lines, and then "revolved" (dunnot the correct term, am in the office right now) them around the center line. It then gave me all different segments, like not in one part. hope this was correct :D because I already deleted the lines I drew ;-)


Lines? Then you have a revolved surface and not a solid. That would explain why you could not union the pivot pin and the barrel.


hmmm, should I then have used polylines? Damn, now I can do it again :D


Ah then Ill do them again :-)) i have to think about not drawing normal lines anymore but polylines. However it seems easier for me to use the normal lines rather then polylines, or can the nprmal lines, circles, splines etc. be converted into polylines?


Lines and arcs can be "converted" to polylines with the aid of the polyline edit command or Pedit (or just "pe" at the keyboard). The option to "join" other lines/polylines is available via Pedit.


A circle cannot be converted to a polyline without a little "sleight-of-hand" using a lisp routine.


Different commands (like Sweep, Extrude, PressPull) will have different results depending on what entities they are being used on.


As the canon has in the first and last part some strange curves, I drew them using splines, I could convert them into 3D polylines, however they can't be connected with 2D polylines, is that correct? Do I understand this correctly, to revolve I need a complete joined polyline from start to end?


Thanks again, Cheers Mav


No, you cannot join 2D polylines and 3D polylines.


Revolve a closed polyline. If it is easier work on portions of the cannon and when you have all the sections created as solids union them together for the final object.


okay, but how can I then do this with a 2D polyline? I think I'm struggling again to understand the concepts :) Thanks for your help and patience!!!!


3D Polyline.jpg


I think I'd use a couple of arcs and a portion of an ellipse.


Look how zoomed in you are on the portion of the cannon you are working on. Are you going to be able to reproduce that level of detail when the object is actually created?


That's a valid question :) And i think the question is no, but I'll try to get it as accurate as possible anyways. There are other things I will have to change at a later stage, for example the with of the two blocks for the axles, the part next to the hole is most probably too thin to reproduce with wood.


For the barrel, I have now created segments, twice 2D polylines, and twice 3D polylines, will now try to revolve them and then union them when they are solid.


THAAANKS for your help!! Now The details of the barrel have to be done.


Barrel 3D Solid XRay.jpg


Barrel 3D Solid.jpg


Seems as If I have done some measurement errors :( the barrel is conflicting with the sidewalls :( i hope I don't have to redraw everything :D it's stupid that I noticed that only now when puting the pieces together :(


Have no idea where the problem was.


Measurement Problem closeup.jpg


Measurement Problem.jpg


Could you "shave" some material off the rib(?) that protrudes into the side frame?


Thanks for the tip :) Here is what I have done, I chamfered the edges, which I also can easily do when building the piece


Width Solution.jpg


That's one way to solve the problem but did you check to make sure that as the cannon is raised and lowered that all the "ribs" do not make contact with the sides?

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