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...but won't let me attach a line arbitrarily to another line. Ex: I've drawn a rectangle .375 in. wide and I want to double check it, normally I just use my line tool and click on any part of the line and click over at 0 deg. to the other line but AutoCAD 2011 wants to grab the nearest node or midpoint. What gives? I've checked my settings and they look the same as my 2008 version.


Are you using Plain AutoCAD or one of the vertical products like Civil or Mechanical?


Example A: This is what I want...



that image is just making the question more difficult to understand =_="


What version were you using ?

What command are you talking ? Is that a lisp ?


Example B: This is what happens...

The line wants to start at the closest node. This even happens when I try to move it and get to close with my move tool to a line.





AutoCAD 2011 - Commands are just L & M (line tool, move tool).




The screenshots you see are from AutoCAD 2008, which I use at work and there are no problems with it. My version at home is the evil, problem child.


bbankston, it looks like it is a simple case of having running osnaps on. Toggle them off at the bottom of the screen.




Won't that also disable node detection? I still want that and also have the freedom to place a new line, dim., etc. to any part of a line. I also cannot recreate the same problem on my work computer so I wonder if AutoCAD 2011 has something crazy in it.


Questions, that's all I've got.


During a command with osnaps on, you can hold F3 down to temp override osnaps. Otherwise you will need to use near to grab anywhere on a line and know that you are actually grabbing on it.


Sorry I am not understanding your problem. You want osnaps running but don't want them to work?




It may be me misunderstanding you. In the attached image (AutoCAD 2008 LT) you see that have Osnaps enabled (circled in red) and to me those blue dots are called nodes, correct? Well, let's say that I want to dimension,add a line, move, etc... in an arbitrary point between those nodes/midpoints - I can with Osnaps enabled in this version (and I can also "snap" to the nodes or midpoint or whatever I have it set to) but cannot in AutoCAD 2011. Am I getting clearer? 2011 will only let me grab a node or midpoint or whatever I have for it to automatically snap to but not an arbitrary point.



OK, well those blue squares are grips. I don't know how 2008 would be able to grab exactly on a line without nea set in osnaps, unless snap is on and the objects are drawn with snap on. I understand your question now but unfortunately I don't have an answer, other than setting near osnap on when you do want to grab the way you described. You can set near to a shortcut key in the CUI, keyboard section, temp overide.




Figured it out. It seems that I did not have 2011 setup the same as my 2008. If anyone else likes to work in AutoCAD the same way that I do this is what you should have enabled.

Drafting Settings.jpg

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