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I'm printing CAD to PDF using LSP.

Here is the code for a full file name path:


(setq pdf_name (getfiled "Specify file name to plot *.pdf" (getvar "SAVENAME") "pdf" 5))


i.e. - i:\cadd\project\Plan.pdf


What would be the code to capture the folder path only, in other words, how can I subtract a file name from this expression, and get only a folder name?


i.e. - i:\cadd\project\


Thank you!

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That would get the path to the folder with DWG file.

I'm saving the PDF file into the different folder.

My lisp would invoke a dialog box and a user can browse and save the PDF inito the folder of his choice.

I need to get the path to this folder, so I can open this folder.

So, I need to subtract a file name from this expression, and get only the folder name.

(setq path "i:\\cadd\\project\\Plan.pdf")
(setq file (VL-FILENAME-BASE path))
(setq dir (VL-FILENAME-DIRECTORY path))
(setq ext (VL-FILENAME-EXTENSION path))

Posted (edited)

there are more than one way to retrieve folder path...


but since you already have the variable pdf_name


(substr pdf_name 1 (- (strlen pdf_name)(strlen (getvar "dwgname"))))




VVA you beat me to it

Edited by pBe
Posted (edited)

That was something I had to play with, but I made it to work!

Thank you!

спасибо, земляк!!

Edited by be_bo
Posted (edited)

That was a plug-and-play thing.

Thank you!!

Edited by be_bo

Thank you both for your prompt and effective help!

  pBe said:
there are more than one way to retrieve folder path...


but since you already have the variable pdf_name


(substr pdf_name 1 (- (strlen pdf_name)(strlen (getvar "dwgname"))))


Bear in mind that is not generic in that it assumes the filename is of the same length as the current drawing filename... *just making you aware*


Anyway, some have already been posted, but here are a few more:


(car (fnsplitl <filename>)) 

(vl-filename-directory <filename>)

(substr <filename> 1 (vl-string-position 92 <filename> 0 t)) ;; assumes "\\" used

(substr <filename> 1 (vl-string-position 92 (vl-string-translate "/" "\\" <filename>) 0 t))

Bear in mind that is not generic in that it assumes the filename is of the same length as the current drawing filename...


by george you're right :shock:


(substr <filename> 1 (vl-string-position 92 <filename> 0 t)) ;;;;; Lee Mac 2010


This ones cool 8)


Thank you LeeMac for code and for making me aware, too!

You explained me why when PDF file name length was set differently from DWG file name, it didn't give the proper folder name, while I was using

(substr pdf_name 1 (- (strlen pdf_name)(strlen (getvar "dwgname"))))

  be_bo said:
Thank you LeeMac for code and for making me aware, too!

You explained me why when PDF file name length was set differently from DWG file name, it didn't give the proper folder name, while I was using

(substr pdf_name 1 (- (strlen pdf_name)(strlen (getvar "dwgname"))))


I apologize for that be_bo.. i assume too much, ....... Lesson learned


"pBe Go to your room!!!!! " :oops:


Just as another problem, filenames (and even folder names) may have more than just one dot. They may also not have any extension at all.

(defun splitpath (path / sLst item ext name folder stage)
 (setq sLst (reverse (vl-string->list path)) stage 0)
 (foreach item sLst
     ((= stage 2) (setq folder (cons item folder)))
     ((and (= item 46) (= stage 0)) ;Last dot
      (setq ext (vl-list->string folder)
            folder nil
            stage 1
     ((and (or (= item 47) (= item 92)) ;Path delimeter / or \
           (< stage 2) ;Only last one
      (setq name (vl-list->string folder)
            folder nil
            stage 2
     (t (setq folder (cons item folder)))
 (if (= name "") (setq name nil))
 (setq folder (vl-list->string folder))
 (list folder name ext)

Try it with these:


  • (splitpath "c:\\testpath/subfolder\\file.name.ext")
  • (splitpath "c:\\testpath/sub.folder\\")
  • (splitpath "c:\\testpath/sub.folder\\filename")


(substr pdf_name 1 (- (strlen pdf_name) 
       (+ (- (strlen pdf_name) (strlen (getvar "dwgprefix")))1 )))


what about this

  pBe said:
what about this
Again, that assumes the path you're trying to extract from is in the same folder as the drawing. It's a similar problem as per the DWGNAME variable.

yeah i know.... I should have stayed in my room :(


Bummer, i should restrain myself from giving answers and stick with just asking questions. :oops:

  irneb said:
Just as another problem, filenames (and even folder names) may have more than just one dot. They may also not have any extension at all




The standard functions (as I listed previously) should deal with these cases correctly - do they not on your system?


Your function sparked an interest Irneb, perhaps another way to write it would be:


(defun LM:fnsplitl ( fn / sub )

 (defun _sub ( s l / p )
   (if (and l (setq p (vl-string-position (car l) s nil t)))
     (cons (substr s 1 p) (_sub (substr s (+ 2 p)) (cdr l)))
     (list s)

 (_sub (vl-string-translate "/" "\\" fn) '(92 46))


Or an iterative version:


(defun LM:fnsplitl_iter ( fn )
   (lambda ( f p )
         (lambda ( d )
           (if (setq p (vl-string-position d (setq f (substr f (+ 2 p))) nil t))
             (substr f 1 p)
       '(92 46 46)
   (vl-string-translate "/" "\\" fn) -1

  pBe said:
yeah i know.... I should have stayed in my room :(


Bummer, i should restrain myself from giving answers and stick with just asking questions. :oops:

No, you learn much quicker when you try to do something. The "nice" thing about yours is you're trying to make it as simple and efficient as possible. Unfortunately it doesn't work for all scenarios.


  Lee Mac said:


The standard functions (as I listed previously) should deal with these cases correctly - do they not on your system?

I know, just for those who don't want the vla stuff, but still want it to work on all possibilities. :wink:

Edit: my code also uses the vl stuff, but that can be changed ...


  Lee Mac said:
Or an iterative version:


I'd advise an iterative version over recursion in nearly all cases. While recursion could make for short-n-sweet coding, it's not the most efficient if not done exactly correct.


See this post: http://devlicio.us/blogs/christopher_bennage/archive/2010/09/14/what-is-functional-programming-part-3-recursion.aspx


Note the discussion about Tail Call optimization. If your function doesn't do this the Lisp interpreter's going to make huge amounts of CPU calls and RAM addressing just to step through the calls to the same function. And I'm not sure if AutoLisp optimizes these calls as more modern lisp compilers / interpreters do.

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