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Multiple visibilities or do I have to use lookup or block property

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I am using Autocad 2010 and am new to dynamic blocks. I have sucsessfully created many blocsk using the visibility state to be placed in an attribute.

I have a new problem.

I have many visibility states in my new block of which I want to be able to stretch some to a restricted size and others to differing restricted sizes and my head is shot.

Any advice will be very welcome


Thanks in advance

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If your using different visibility states, and you have set sizes, it may be easier just to have the varying sizes as different states. However, if you prefer to be able to stretch a certain visibility you will have to add the stretch component to the visibility states you want to use it in. It's a slightly vague explanation but if you let me know what the block is your trying to change and what sort of sizes you are trying to change it to I can explain better. Maybe even send the block through. It would make it easier to explain when I can apply the idea to a particular block.

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Thank you for getting back to me. I played with for a day then relised I was asking the block to do way to much. I broke it down to to dynamic blocks and now have it working. Again thanks

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