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Leading zero's in attribute value

The Buzzard

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On 7/9/2022 at 5:46 PM, 3dwannab said:


I hope you don't mind Alan but I've add support for minus values here also based on your function here and trimmed any existing padding (leading 0's) so this will work for any text that already has padding applied.


(defun AT:NumFix (numInput lenNew / lenInput minus result)
  ; Fix number string with leading zeros
  ; numInput - Number string to fix
  ; lenNew - Number of characters for final string
  ; Alan J. Thompson, 10.29.09. https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/14276-alanjts-misc-useful-lisp-subroutines/?do=findComment&comment=151562
  ; 3dwannab 2022.07.09. Added minus values support
  (setq minus (vl-string-search "-" numInput))
  (setq numInput (vl-string-left-trim "0" numInput)) ;; Trims existing padding
  (setq lenInput (strlen numInput))
  ;; If a minus is found set the lenInput minus 1 and trim the minus. This will get added back later on
  (if minus 
      (setq lenInput (abs (- 1 (strlen numInput))))
      (setq numInput (vl-string-left-trim "-" numInput))
  (setq result (vl-princ-to-string numInput))
  (while (< (strlen result) lenNew)
    (setq result (strcat "0" result))
  ) ;_ while
  ;; Output the result depending on whether there's a minus or not
  (if minus 
    (strcat "-" result)
(princ (AT:NumFix "-003" 6)) ; -> -000003
(princ "\n")
(princ (AT:NumFix "003" 12)) ; -> 000000000003
(princ "\n")
(princ (AT:NumFix "00" 4)) ; -> 0000




Have at it. Hope it helped. However, you need not credit me on this as the only thing you used of mine was my function name. lol


I thought I'd post a couple examples of your desired result. 

Both are recursive, but the second uses list over string manipulation as it's just faster (not that it's going to make much of a difference on something like this.


(defun _numPad (str len)
  ((lambda (foo)
     (if (wcmatch str "-*")
       (strcat "-" (foo (substr str 2) len))
       (foo str len)
    (lambda (n l)
      (if (< (strlen n) l)
        (foo (strcat "0" n) l)

(defun _numPad2 (str len)
  ((lambda (foo lst)
     (vl-list->string (if (eq (car lst) 45)
                        (cons 45 (foo (cdr lst) len))
                        (foo lst len)
    (lambda (x l)
      (if (< (length x) l)
        (foo (cons 48 x) l)
    (vl-string->list str)


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On 8/15/2022 at 6:09 PM, 3dwannab said:

Thanks Alan. Always good to see how it should be done.

*Should* is questionable. Just another way to go about things. 

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