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Yes, and what is your question?

dear sir

sorry for my bad english

my question is

1) after selete pline create autocad table and

area of pline put in table & center of pline. see my jpg file

2) area in tbale by layer vise (area-1, area-2 etc...)

see example of pline to excle file

(defun c:pline-area ( / *error* data-lst sorted-lst str-lst top-str polys

data cnt obj file-nm tmp item tmp-str fl)

(defun *error* (msg)

(if(= msg "quit / exit abort")

(princ "\nNo output file was selected")

(princ msg)




(setq top-str ""

file-nm (getfiled "Output File" "" "csv" 1)


(if(null file-nm)(exit))

(if(setq polys(ssget '((0 . "*POLYLINE"))))

(repeat(setq cnt(sslength polys))

(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object

(ssname polys

(setq cnt(1- cnt))



data-lst (cons

(list(vlax-get obj 'Layer)

(vlax-get obj 'Area)







(while data-lst

(setq data (car data-lst)

data-lst (cdr data-lst)

tmp (list data)


(foreach item data-lst

(if(=(car item)(car data))

(setq tmp (cons item tmp)

data-lst (vl-remove item data-lst)




(setq sorted-lst(cons tmp sorted-lst))


(setq sorted-lst

(vl-sort sorted-lst '(lambda(a b)(


(foreach item (reverse sorted-lst)

(setq top-str

(strcat(caar item)"," top-str)



(setq str-lst (cons top-str str-lst)

cnt 0


(repeat(apply 'max(mapcar 'length sorted-lst))

(setq tmp-str "")

(foreach item (reverse sorted-lst)

(setq tmp-str

(if(setq tmp(nth cnt item))

(strcat(rtos(cadr tmp)) "," tmp-str)

(strcat "," tmp-str)




(setq cnt (1+ cnt)

str-lst (cons tmp-str str-lst)



(if(setq fl(open file-nm "w"))


(foreach str (reverse str-lst)

(write-line str fl)


(close fl)

(alert(strcat file-nm " was created"))


(alert "Unable to create file")




Yes, and what is your question?


dear sir

just like u r

Line Length Calculator

add opation selction

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