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Viewport - How to lock image in viewport?


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I have done this before but cannot remember how. I want to lock my viewport image so that it does not move even when I move it in model space.....I cannot remember how to do this and it is driving me crazy. I am working in 2008 autocad...


Thanks for any and all help with this,

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I should have worded the question better, I know how to lock a viewport itself, but when I move my drawing in model space my locked viewport is not retaining the image in my viewport. I need to know how to keep my image locked in my viewport no matter what I move in model space....Thanks...

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Viewports don't work that way; think of a viewport as a window with which to look outside. Why are you moving your drawing anyway?

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Not moving all of my drawing just a detail part of it, where I need to blow up the detail to a greater scale. I am using the viewport to increase the scale....It is kind of complicated to explain it all. Also working on a drawing someone else created so dealing with that aspect of it as well. It is one large detail in one viewport. I created a second viewport to scale up a smaller detail inside the larger one. But now I have to move the smaller detail outside of the titleblock so it does not show on drawing twice. I guess I could try clipping that part of the original viewport out? Or creating a polygonal viewport and overwriting the original viewport so as not to show that portion of detail in original drawing....

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If you can get away with it, instead of duplicating (copying your objects over and scaling them), why not create a separate layer for the larger scale labels then just VPFreeze accordingly. That way, you never have more than one copy of an object, just additional labels.

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Damn that is a good idea, had not thought about that....I guess I was trying to make it too complicated, lol!!! Thanks

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