The Buzzard Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 Ahh, OK. The last time I worked anywhere that used Vanilla AutoCAD, I was 18 and it was r2000. Not to give away my age, But I started with V2.6. I do not remember what it cost then, But I am sure it had to be much cheaper. It was purchased by the company I worked for. The first version I purchased for myself was release 9 which I believe was about $3000 US dollars then and when I upgraded to release 10, The upgrade charge was about $500. I did not upgrade again till AutoCAD 2000 was available. It did not seem worth it for all the small changes you were getting with each new release. Quote
alanjt Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 Not to give away my age, But I started with V2.6. I do not remember what it cost then, But I am sure it had to be much cheaper. It was purchased by the company I worked for. The first version I purchased for myself was release 9 which I believe was about $3000 US dollars then and when I upgraded to release 10, The upgrade charge was about $500. I did not upgrade again till AutoCAD 2000 was available. It did not seem worth it for all the small changes you were getting with each new release. Yeah, the only reason I knew then was because my Dad owned the company and I asked him. I only know now because I'm when I new release arrives, it's placed on my desk and the amount is inside. Quote
The Buzzard Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 Yeah, the only reason I knew then was because my Dad owned the company and I asked him. I only know now because I'm when I new release arrives, it's placed on my desk and the amount is inside. I am not sure about this, But If you currently have vanilla CAD and wanted to added on a Third Party Package of sorts, Would you need to pay the full price for the add-on or would there be a small upgrade fee. If there is a small additional fee to pay, I do not know why people would groan over it. It seems to me getting the software specific to your discipline would be worth the small fee to pay. On the other hand customizing AutoCAD to your specific discipline would be worth the while in learning an API that would suit your needs. It also seems like people groan over that one as well. Just hand over the free goods and do it exactly to my specifications. I would say there is something wrong with that, But others feel its justified. Then you end up marrying the code you provided. Quote
alanjt Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 I am not sure about this, But If you currently have vanilla CAD and wanted to added on a Third Party Package of sorts, Would you need to pay the full price for the add-on or would there be a small upgrade fee. If there is a small additional fee to pay, I do not know why people would groan over it. It seems to me getting the software specific to your discipline would be worth the small fee to pay. On the other hand customizing AutoCAD to your specific discipline would be worth the while in learning an API that would suit your needs. It also seems like people groan over that one as well. Just hand over the free goods and do it exactly to my specifications. I would say there is something wrong with that, But others feel its justified. Then you end up marrying the code you provided. I'll say that I can't imagine having to do engineering without Land Desktop/Civil 3D or the like. I wouldn't work for a company that expected results with only Vanilla. Quote
The Buzzard Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 I'll say that I can't imagine having to do engineering without Land Desktop/Civil 3D or the like. I wouldn't work for a company that expected results with only Vanilla. True, But there are some frugal companies out there. Penny wise and dollar foolish. Quote
alanjt Posted June 21, 2010 Posted June 21, 2010 True, But there are some frugal companies out there. Penny wise and dollar foolish. Very true. Quote
Madruga_SP Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 Hi all, It's my first post in this excellent forum. I've tested this code and it is just awesome, congratulation guys! I'd like to change the bearings by azimuth, because I don't use bearings. I'll be really appreciated if someone help me out. Thank in advance! Quote
fixo Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 Hi all,It's my first post in this excellent forum. I've tested this code and it is just awesome, congratulation guys! I'd like to change the bearings by azimuth, because I don't use bearings. I'll be really appreciated if someone help me out. Thank in advance! Hi Madruga_SP, welcome on board ! Try this revisited code, but I don't know much about azimuth so maybe there is a mistake in my math, check them by yourself on working template ;;;----------------------------------- start of code ---------------------------;;; ;; azt.lsp ;; started by fixo, updated by SmallFish (vl-load-com) (defun C:AZT (/ *error* acsp az atable cnt col dist item osm point_list pt row table_data tmp tmp_data degreeloc minuteloc secondloc AngString) (defun *error* (msg) (if (and msg (not (member msg '("console break" "Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort")))) (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)) ) (if osm (setvar "osmode" osm)) (princ) ) ; Get azimuth by angle value (defun _azimuth (ang / ) ; Convert value in radians to degrees (defun rtd (a) (* 180.0 (/ a pi))) (cond ((= ang 0) 90.0) ((< 0 ang (/ PI 2)) (- 90.0 (rtd ang))) ((= ang (/ PI 2)) 0.0) ((< (/ PI 2) ang PI)(+ (rtd ang) 180.0)) ((= ang PI) 270.0) (( < PI ang (* PI 1.5)) (rtd ang)) ((= ang (* PI 1.5)) 180.0) ((< (* PI 1.5) ang (* PI 2))(- (rtd ang) 180.0)) ((= ang (* PI 2)) 90.0)) ) (setq osm (getvar "osmode")) (setvar "osmode" 1) (setq cnt 1) (while (setq pt (getpoint (strcat "\n >> Specify point #" (itoa cnt) " by order (hit Enter to exit) >> "))) (setq point_list (cons pt point_list) cnt (1+ cnt)) ) (setq point_list (reverse point_list)) (setq cnt 0) (while (<= cnt (- (length point_list) 2)) (setq tmp (list (strcat (itoa (1+ cnt)) " - " (itoa (+ cnt 2))) (nth cnt point_list) (nth (1+ cnt) point_list)) tmp_data (cons tmp tmp_data) ) (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) ) (setq tmp (list (strcat (itoa (length point_list)) " - 1") (last point_list) (car point_list)) tmp_data (cons tmp tmp_data) ) (setq tmp_data (reverse tmp_data)) (foreach item tmp_data ;(setq ang (angtos(angle (cadr item) (caddr item))4 2);precision 2 - minutes only (setq az (angtos (_azimuth (angle (cadr item) (caddr item))) 4 2) degreeloc (vl-string-position (ascii "d") az);location of "d" minuteloc (vl-string-position (ascii "'") az);location of ' ;;; secondloc (vl-string-position (ascii "\"") ang);location of " );setq (if (= (- minuteloc degreeloc) 2) (setq az (vl-string-subst "d0" "d" az));add 0 for seconds under 10 );if ;;; (if (= (- secondloc minuteloc) 2) ;;; (setq ang (vl-string-subst "'0" "'" ang));add 0 for minutes under 10 ;;; );if (setq AngString (vl-string-subst "°" "d" az);Substitute degree symbol dist (distance (cadr item) (caddr item)) dist (strcat (rtos dist 2 2) " m.") tmp (list (car item) AngString dist) table_data (cons tmp table_data) );setq );foreach (setq table_data (reverse table_data) pt (getpoint "\n >> Specify insertion point >> ") acsp (vla-get-block (vla-get-activelayout (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) atable (vlax-invoke acsp 'AddTable pt (+ 2 (length table_data)) (length (car table_data)) (* (getvar "textsize") 2.0) (* (getvar "textsize") 15)) );setq (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed atable :vlax-true) (vla-settextheight atable actitlerow (getvar "textsize")) (vla-settextheight atable acheaderrow (getvar "textsize")) (vla-settextheight atable acdatarow (getvar "textsize")) (vla-put-vertcellmargin atable (/ (getvar "textsize") 4.25)) (vla-settext atable 0 0 "TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS") (vla-settext atable 1 0 "LINES") (vla-settext atable 1 1 "AZIMUTH") (vla-settext atable 1 2 "DISTANCES") (setq row 2) (foreach item table_data (setq col 0) (foreach x item (vla-settext atable row col x) (vla-setcellalignment atable row col acMiddleCenter) (setq col (1+ col))) (setq row (1+ row)) ) (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed atable :vlax-false) (*error* nil) (princ) ) (prompt "\n\t---\tStart command with \"AZT\"\t---") (prin1) (or(vl-load-com)(princ)) ;;;----------------------------------- end of code ---------------------------;;; Quote
Madruga_SP Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 Hi fixo, Thanks for the quick replay. I don't Know how can I explain better what azimuth is, my english is poor. But I configure autocad, in drawing units angle type Deg/Min/Sec - Precision 0°00'00"- Clockwise - Direction Control North. e.g. azimuth 35°05'12" (without NE,SW) Regards. Quote
fixo Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 Ok, I will try to do what you want but with no guarantee though Quote
Madruga_SP Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 Ok, I will try to do what you want butwith no guarantee though No problem fixo, Thank you very much for help me. Regards. Quote
fixo Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 Hi Can you give me 2 points of single line with known azimuth? Just for the test Quote
fixo Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 Try this one very limited tested, check all values, I'm not sure that all is correct in this code ;;;----------------------------------- start of code ---------------------------;;; ;; azt2.lsp ;; started by fixo, updated by SmallFish (vl-load-com) (defun C:AZT (/ *error* acsp ang az atable cnt col dist item osm point_list pt row table_data tmp tmp_data) (defun *error* (msg) (if (and msg (not (member msg '("console break" "Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort")))) (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg)) ) (if osm (setvar "osmode" osm)) (princ) ) ;Convert value in radians to degrees (defun rtd (a) (* 180.0 (/ a pi))) ;_ end of defun ; Convert value in degrees to radians (defun dtr (a)(* pi (/ a 180.0))) ;_ end of defun ;; degrees to DMS string ;; by VK (Vladimir Kleshev) (defun gr->gms (a / g m s) (setq g (rtos (fix a) 2 0)) (setq m (rtos (fix (* (setq a (- a (fix a))) 60)) 2 0)) (setq s (rtos (fix (* (- (* a 60) (fix (* 60 a))) 60)) 2 0)) (strcat g "%%d " (if (= (strlen m) 2) m (strcat "0" m) ) ;_ if "' " (if (= (strlen s) 2) s (strcat "0" s) ) ;_ if "\"" ) ;_ strcat ) ;_ defun (setq osm (getvar "osmode")) (setvar "osmode" 1) (setq cnt 1) (while (setq pt (getpoint (strcat "\n >> Specify point #" (itoa cnt) " by order (hit Enter to exit) >> "))) (setq point_list (cons pt point_list) cnt (1+ cnt)) ) (setq point_list (reverse point_list)) (setq cnt 0) (while (<= cnt (- (length point_list) 2)) (setq tmp (list (strcat (itoa (1+ cnt)) " - " (itoa (+ cnt 2))) (nth cnt point_list) (nth (1+ cnt) point_list)) tmp_data (cons tmp tmp_data) ) (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) ) (setq tmp (list (strcat (itoa (length point_list)) " - 1") (last point_list) (car point_list)) tmp_data (cons tmp tmp_data) ) (setq tmp_data (reverse tmp_data)) (foreach item tmp_data (setq ang (angle (cadr item) (caddr item))) ; Get azimuth by angle value (cond ((zerop ang)(setq ang (getvar "angbase"))) (( < 0 ang (/ pi 2))(setq ang (- (getvar "angbase") ang))) (( < (/ pi 2) ang (* pi 1.5))(setq ang (+ (getvar "angbase")(- (* pi 2.) ang)))) (( < (* pi 1.5) ang (* pi 2.))(setq ang (+ (getvar "angbase")(- (* pi 2.) ang))))) (setq az (gr->gms (rtd ang))) (setq az (vl-string-subst "°" "%%d" az);Substitute degree symbol dist (distance (cadr item) (caddr item)) dist (strcat (rtos dist 2 2) " m.") tmp (list (car item) az dist) table_data (cons tmp table_data) ) ) (setq table_data (reverse table_data) pt (getpoint "\n >> Specify insertion point >> ") acsp (vla-get-block (vla-get-activelayout (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) atable (vlax-invoke acsp 'AddTable pt (+ 2 (length table_data)) (length (car table_data)) (* (getvar "textsize") 2.0) (* (getvar "textsize") 15)) );setq (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed atable :vlax-true) (vla-settextheight atable actitlerow (getvar "textsize")) (vla-settextheight atable acheaderrow (getvar "textsize")) (vla-settextheight atable acdatarow (getvar "textsize")) (vla-put-vertcellmargin atable (/ (getvar "textsize") 4.25)) (vla-settext atable 0 0 "TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS") (vla-settext atable 1 0 "LINES") (vla-settext atable 1 1 "AZIMUTH") (vla-settext atable 1 2 "DISTANCES") (setq row 2) (foreach item table_data (setq col 0) (foreach x item (vla-settext atable row col x) (vla-setcellalignment atable row col acMiddleCenter) (setq col (1+ col))) (setq row (1+ row)) ) (vla-put-regeneratetablesuppressed atable :vlax-false) (*error* nil) (princ) ) (prompt "\n\t---\tStart command with \"AZT\"\t---") (prin1) (or(vl-load-com)(princ)) ;;;----------------------------------- end of code ---------------------------;;; Quote
Madruga_SP Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 Hi Mr. Fixo, Thank you very much, worked like a charm. I really appreciate your help, I'll be greatful forever! Thanks for patience and kindness in help me out. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask just one more thing, fixo. Could you configure the table with 15 column and the sequencial line in horizontal, like the image bellow? File attached Best Regards. Quote
fixo Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 Hm I'm realy busy now with my own job, maybe after the holydays i will be turn back to your task if somebody else could not sove it before, Cheers Quote
Madruga_SP Posted December 29, 2012 Posted December 29, 2012 Ok Fixo, Have a nice holydays! See you after the holydays, then. Quote
Madruga_SP Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 Hi Fixo, I need a help to modify the azimuth table. Would you mind help me out with my task, please? I'd like the table formate like image on post#35. Many Thanks! Quote
fixo Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 Hi Madruga_SP I could not realize this part programmatically, sorry I guess just one way to make this is go to table Properties window then in the Break tabs set Enabled to Yes, Spacing to 0 and manipulate with Break Height (me think set to 36 or 48) After that you can delete the title row and then paste one instead above the table, merge colums in thistitle row and add your title text Kind regards, Cheers Quote
Madruga_SP Posted January 12, 2013 Posted January 12, 2013 Hi Madruga_SPI could not realize this part programmatically, sorry I guess just one way to make this is go to table Properties window then in the Break tabs set Enabled to Yes, Spacing to 0 and manipulate with Break Height (me think set to 36 or 48) After that you can delete the title row and then paste one instead above the table, merge colums in thistitle row and add your title text Kind regards, Cheers No worries, Fixo You already helped me a lot. I'll try doing this through the Table Properties as you said. Thanks anyway. Best Regards Quote
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