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Importing 3d autocad Architecture to 3DS MAX

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Ofcourse its easy to import a dwg into 3DS MAX, but I seem to do something wrong of be forgetting something. My problem is that in 3DS the walls and other drawings are only lines, not 3d like in autocad architecture.


How should I import or export it to have the walls, windows, etc. in 3D?


Thanks alot, a quick answer would be wonderfull because tomorrow I kinda have a presentation for which I need this.


The reason you only see lines is because you are viewing the model in Wireframe display mode. In the upper left corner of your viewport, right click on the word "Wireframe" and then choose "Smooth & Highlights" as shown below.



thanks, this helpes indeed with the 3d objects in the dwg file, but it still doesn't show the walls, windows, etc. made in autocad architecture, these stay lines only. They stay 2d (only really visable from top), i hope i can get these in 3d.


I don't understand? Is your CAD file a 3D model or is it a 2D floorplan? Can you post a screenshot?


I hope the screenshots make it clearer indeed.


In autocad architecture you draw in 2d but with the info inserted it is actually 3D, right? In ACA I can get a 3D of the elevation for instance, but when I try to get this drawing in 3d I only see 2D, except the chairs and sofa which are 3d objects in the drawing.


thanks alot, im sorry but i really dont know what to do and cant find it anywhere

Screenshot ACA2.jpg

Screenshot 3DS.jpg

Screenshot ACA.jpg


I have never worked with ACA, or any files that were produced with that program, so I don't know how the 3D is generated from the 2D, or how the file reacts when imported into another program? Have you tried insterting your CAD file into Max using the File Link Manager, instead of Importing it?


Why do you need to take it into Max anyway?


i'm need to happy with the renderings I got form ACA, altough some advertisements seem to say it can be done better. i'm tring it with 3DS because i hoped this would work good and make the best renderings.


You suggest is should try harder in ACA? Perhaps this is the best option indeed.


With practice, you should be able to produce nice looking renders in ACA, but in 3DS Max, you have much more control over your materials, lighting and rendering through the use of more advanced options.


If I were you, I would continue trying to get your CAD file into Max. Did you try the File Link Manager as I suggested?


If you're still having problems, post your CAD file here.

If the filesize is too large, try posting a smaller file with just some basic elements, like a few walls, doors, windows, etc. so I can try importing it on my machine.



I exported it wrong, i just used the save file but should have used the export option it so autocad would have made solids etc. of it. Now it works fine in 3Ds and SU.


Thanks for the help!


Interested to know what format you exported it in?


I use ACA at work although I don't take advantage of this multi-view block technolgy. I'm thinking it could help me a lot with streamlining my workflow.


It works realy well, for 3DS (10/11) expot it to dwg 2010, for older or SU to dwg 2010. In this way the programs do read the 3d ACA walls, doors, etc. because they are made as 'normal' 3d autocad.


Hope it works for you, did for me and saves a lot of time! Succes!

  • 3 weeks later...

perhaps a little late to the discussion but perhaps good for future reference...


i noticed this bug if you are using a latter version of autocad architecture then max, ie ACA 2010 and Max 2009...if the CAD file was last save in plan view it will only import as a plan in 3D max..if it was saved in any other view it will be imported as 3D in Max...


i beleive part of the issue is that the Architecture walls and doors and windows etc need a special AEC component to display them and it's probably switched off in plan view...


the furniture and stuff that did come in 3D were "real" 3D geometry (not AEC)...


the above behaviour does not happen with ACA 2008 and Max 2009--at least as far as i'm able to test...don't know if ACA 2009 and Max 2009 has any issues or if Max 2010 has the same issue ucins ACA 2011...


yes it had this problem (of the plans) indeed, but this was not to much of a problem, bit strange though.


i used ACA 2010 and 3ds 2009, which gave problems with the AEC. exporting it worked fine though since it exported real 3d.


does it help if you save the CAD drawing using a view other then top?..if so this would save the "export" step...


no, the 'real' 3d parts are no longer flat, but the AEC elements keep on being lines only

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