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Plotting Offset


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So I have this problem with my plot coming out all offsetted. There is no offset set in the Plot Dialogue box, and the Plot Offset is set from Edge of Paper in Options, and there doesn't seem to be anything wonky with the Plotter settings...what have I missed? where else can you set Plot Offset??

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What plot settings do you normally use that would affect the position of the plot on the paper?


Is the problem confined to just one drawing or does it happen with all drawings?


Did you make any recent changes to your printer/plotter and/or its drivers?

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Normally I set What to Plot to Layout and Plot Offset to 0 which always puts my border at the correct place.


It doesn't happen to all drawings, just this one that I am trying to set up. It is an old drawing, but with no earlier Page Setup, since it was plotted from Model Space before.


I have not changed the Plotters configs, and it looks the same if I assing the PDF plotter instead.


I have a feeling that there is anoher place that I can set offset for plotting, but I can't remember it...

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I have created a Layout and am adjusting it.


Here's the fun part, I have to send this drawing to a client so I figured I would set it to Window and send it to him so I am done with that. When I select a window around my frame, the thing shifts and now it's in sync...and I can't get it back to being wrong - which is good, but annoying. So I have no idea what was wrong, but now it's right :?

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You have a unique gift. I suggest you give up your present job and start a faith healing business. Just by the laying on of hands you have produced a miracle. LOL


Well I'm glad you literally and figuratively got that straightened out even if you don't know exactly how you did it.

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I know that plotting and viewing a drawing has something to do with a base point. If you stole a drawing from another file to begin, you then may ahve acquired the base point from there too. Basepoint can easily be different than the Limits for some drawing too.



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