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  woodman78 said:
Thanks Buzzard, maybe someone else has some ideas....




I took a shot at writing the code to allow for Closed Filled arrows by creating a custom block. It seems to work well with all the supplied arguments so far. I also added a layer function to. The font style is also in the code. Please note to save yourself a lot of headaches, When editing this code do small portions and test. Do not get carried away yourself. Take it a little at a time. I hope this will be helpful to you. The code can have a dialog added if you wish to supply the arguments with values as well to make it more flexible.


I will be working on a dialog driven model myself, But I will not be posting it anytime soon. For now this should give you some idea.


Good Luck,


; DimStyle Lisp
(defun C:DSTYLE ()
 (DSTYLE_STYLE "Romans" 1.0 0.0 "romans.shx" "")
 (DSTYLE_LAYER "A-ANNO-DIMS" "Continuous" 2 18)
 (DSTYLE_ARROW "Closed Filled" (list 0.0 0.0 0.0)(list -1.0 0.166667 0.0)(list -1.0 -0.166667 0.0)(list 0.0 0.0 0.0)(list 0.0 0.0 0.0))
 (DSTYLE_DIMSTYLE "1ft." 1.0 "Closed Filled" "Romans")
; Font Style Create
 (if (null (tblsearch "style" FSTY$))
         (cons 0   "STYLE")
         (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")
         (cons 100 "AcDbTextStyleTableRecord")
         (cons 2    FSTY$)
         (cons 70   0)
         (cons 40   0)
         (cons 41   TWF#)
         (cons 50   TOA#)
         (cons 3    PFN$)
         (cons 4    BFN$)
; Layer Create
 (if (null (tblsearch "layer" LNAM$))
         (cons 0   "LAYER")
         (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")
         (cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord")
         (cons 2    LNAM$)
         (cons 6    LTYP$)
         (cons 62   LCLR#)
         (cons 70   0)
         (cons 290  1)
         (cons 370  LWGT#)
; Arrowhead Block Create ~ (Closed Filled)
(defun DSTYLE_ARROW (BNAM$ INPT# PT01# PT02# PT03# PT04#)
 (if (null (tblsearch "block" BNAM$))
         (cons 0   "block")
         (cons 2    BNAM$)
         (cons 10   INPT#)
         (cons 70   2)
         (cons 0   "SOLID")
         (cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
         (cons 67   0)
         (cons 410 "Model")
         (cons 8   "0")
         (cons 62   1)
         (cons 100 "AcDbTrace")
         (cons 10   PT01#)
         (cons 11   PT02#)
         (cons 12   PT03#)
         (cons 13   PT04#)
         (cons 39   0.0)
         (cons 0   "endblk")
; DimStyle Create
 (if (null (tblsearch "dimstyle" DSTY$))
  (cons 0 "DIMSTYLE")                                           ; Entity Type
  (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")                            ; Subclass marker
  (cons 100 "AcDbDimStyleTableRecord")                          ; Subclass marker
  (cons 2 DSTY$)                                                ; Dimstyle name
  (cons 70 0)                                                   ; Standard flag value
  (cons 3 "")                                                   ; DIMPOST
  (cons 4 "")                                                   ; DIMAPOST
  (cons 5  AH$)                                                 ; DIMBLK
  (cons 6  AH$)                                                 ; DIMBLK1
  (cons 7  AH$)                                                 ; DIMBLK2
  (cons 40 DSCL#)                                               ; DIMSCALE
  (cons 41 0.0937)                                              ; DIMASZ
  (cons 42 0.0937)                                              ; DIMEXO
  (cons 43 0.38)                                                ; DIMDLI
  (cons 44 0.0625)                                              ; DIMEXE
  (cons 45 0.0)                                                 ; DIMRND
  (cons 46 0.0625)                                              ; DIMDLE
  (cons 47 0.0)                                                 ; DIMTP
  (cons 48 0.0)                                                 ; DIMTM
  (cons 140 0.0937)                                             ; DIMTXT
  (cons 141 0.09)                                               ; DIMCEN
  (cons 142 0.0)                                                ; DIMTSZ
  (cons 143 25.4)                                               ; DIMALTF
  (cons 144 1.0)                                                ; DIMLFAC
  (cons 145 0.0)                                                ; DIMTVP
  (cons 146 1.0)                                                ; DIMTFAC
  (cons 147 0.0625)                                             ; DIMGAP
  (cons 71 0)                                                   ; DIMTOL
  (cons 72 0)                                                   ; DIMLIM
  (cons 73 0)                                                   ; DIMTIH
  (cons 74 0)                                                   ; DIMTOH
  (cons 75 0)                                                   ; DIMSE1
  (cons 76 0)                                                   ; DIMSE2
  (cons 77 0)                                                   ; DIMTAD
  (cons 78 3)                                                   ; DIMZIM
  (cons 170 0)                                                  ; DIMALT
  (cons 171 2)                                                  ; DIMALTD
  (cons 172 0)                                                  ; DIMTOFL
  (cons 173 0)                                                  ; DIMSAH
  (cons 174 0)                                                  ; DIMTIX
  (cons 175 0)                                                  ; DIMSOXD
  (cons 176 1)                                                  ; DIMCLRD
  (cons 177 1)                                                  ; DIMCLRE
  (cons 178 2)                                                  ; DIMCRRT
  (cons 270 4)                                                  ; DIMUNIT
  (cons 271 4)                                                  ; DIMDEC
  (cons 272 4)                                                  ; DIMTDEC
  (cons 273 2)                                                  ; DIMALTU
  (cons 274 2)                                                  ; DIMALTTD
  (cons 275 0)                                                  ; DIMAUNIT
  (cons 276 2)                                                  ; DIMFRAC
  (cons 277 4)                                                  ; DIMLUNIT
  (cons 279 2)                                                  ; DIMTMOVE
  (cons 280 0)                                                  ; DIMJUST
  (cons 281 0)                                                  ; DIMSD1
  (cons 282 0)                                                  ; DIMSD2
  (cons 283 1)                                                  ; DIMTOLJ
  (cons 284 0)                                                  ; DIMTZIN
  (cons 285 0)                                                  ; DIMALTZ
  (cons 286 0)                                                  ; DIMALTTZ
  (cons 287 5)                                                  ; DIMFIT
  (cons 288 0)                                                  ; DIMUPT
  (cons 340 (tblobjname "style" FSTY$))                         ; DIMTXSTY	
  (cons 342 (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (tblobjname "block" AH$))))); DIMLDRBLK
  (cons 343 (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (tblobjname "block" AH$))))); DIMLDRBLK1
  (cons 344 (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (tblobjname "block" AH$))))); DIMLDRBLK2
 (command "._-dimstyle" "_restore" DSTY$)                              ; Set dimstyle current
 (alert (strcat "\nThe current DimStyle name is "DSTY$"."
                "\nThe current DimScale set to "(rtos DSCL# 2 0)"."))

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Thanks Buzzard,


That's great. It worked a treat.

  woodman78 said:
Thanks Buzzard,


That's great. It worked a treat.

Thats good to hear. Use it as is or just take what you need from it.

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