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Hey guys,


I was woundering if you knew anything about thet "object classes" in

Civil/ACAD 2011. I am doing the most boring cad job in the world and i was hoping i might make my job lighter if i could use them a little like the

"classes" in Cinema 4 D for materials. and if they have visual options... (hide,frz,isolate,...)

would be a nuke:twisted:


trouble beïng that i don't find any info on it on the net....

mind pointing me in the right direction??!


if this is not the case are there other options to get "layers inside layers" or something of the sort so i could have subdivisionns in lets say the layer 'driveways' to i could make the subdivisions like 'brick', 'tarmac', 'gravel', ... so that i could make something like a solid/hatch

in a specifique "sublayer"???


tnx in advance,


Not sure what your asking but you can group layers together so off freeze etc works on a group at one time. Its part of the layer command.


Are'nt you reffering o the "layer state manager" ?

if you are, thats not what i need.


Objeccts in acad CIVIL 2011 have data behind it' the example was like this (in the presentation) u have a layer 'Trees' and then u could classify the objects in that layer by its assigned 'Class', like...Pine, Willow, Oak, Maple... and filter them out by their assigned 'Class' data.


He went over it quite fast by saying this would be a new line in working with acad/civil in the future.


Very usefull


problem being, he did'nt show us how to do it andd me and my boss (really experienced, unlike me) can't find the function to assign anything to the object.


And i was woundering if there would be any grafic function to this (practical) or it was more like just a 'Metadata' thing GIS-wize.




If your trees are drawn as blocks then you can have hidden attributes 'Class', like...Pine, Willow, Oak, Maple, So you could seach for trees but with attribute = Willow.


Simpler would be have a block for each tree type they can still all live on 1 layer.


Also not all objects in Civ3d have data behind them depends on how they are created.


Our trees are made up of two objects a Civ3D pt and a tree block the pt does hold hidden detail about survey code information but its sort of independant to the tree block. Change the pt description and the tree changes. It may be better to search the CIV3d points for a tree=willow not the blocks.

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