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midpoint between two points?


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hey guys if i have 2 pts stored in lisp

$P1 and $P2

how do i get the midpoint of those pts??


i have the below lisp that i'm trying to edit write to suite us..was originally written by a guy here but i want to show the details between the 2 points.


I want to show a line between the two points and on that line i want to show the slope, distance and direction by use of a arrow.


Would someone please be able to help me with the info part. I have got the line and cross to work so far.


You will see what i mean.


Thank you


(defun C:EXTRA ()
(setq oldlay (getvar "clayer"))

; #################  Gather Info  #################
(initget 1)
(setq $P1 (getpoint      "\nSTARTING POINT:  "))
(initget 1)
(setq $L1 (getreal       " - - LEVEL: "       ))
(setq $P1 (reverse (cdr (reverse $P1)))) ; remove Z coordinate
(if $GR
     (setq $OGR $GR $GR nil)
     (setq $GR (getreal (strcat "\nGradient % <" (rtos $OGR 2) ">: " )))
     (if (= $GR nil)(setq $GR $OGR))
     (setq $GR nil)
     (setq $GR (getreal       "\nGradient % <1>: " ))
     (if (= $GR nil)(setq $GR 1.0))
(initget 1)
(setq $P2 (getpoint  $P1 "\nProjected Point: "))
; #################  Calculation  #################
(while $P2
(setq $D1-2 (distance $P1 $P2))

(if (= units 1000.0)
  (setq $DIFF (/ (* $D1-2 (/ $GR 100.0)) 1000.0))
  (setq $DIFF (* $D1-2 (/ $GR 100.0)))
(setq $LUP (+ $l1 $DIFF))
(princ (strcat "\n.. START PT RL = " (rtos $L1 2 3) "m"))
(princ (strcat " ..SLOPE BETWEEN PTS = " (rtos $GR 2 3) "%"))
(princ (strcat "\n.. DIST BETWEEN PTS = " (rtos $D1-2 2 3) "m"))
(princ (strcat ".. HEIGHT DIFF = " (rtos $DIFF 2 3) "m"))
(princ (strcat "\n.. EXTRAPOLATED RL IS = " (rtos $LUP 2 3) "m"))

(setq INSRL (getstring "\nINSERT RL CROSS? Y/N <N>: "))
(if (/= INSRL "")(setq INSRL (strcase (substr INSRL 1 1))))
(if (= INSRL "Y")
(setq insscl (* 1 (getvar "dimscale")))
(COMMAND "-LAYER" "M" "RLCROSS" "C" 2 "" "")
(COMMAND "-insert" "RLCROSS" "_S" insscl $P2 "0" (rtos $LUP 2 3))
(command "-layer" "M" "VP" "C" "6" "VP" "P" "N" "VP" "" "line" $P1 $P2 "")
(setvar "clayer" oldlay)


(setq $P2 (getpoint  $P1 "\nProjected Point: "))
); defun EXTRA


You will also need the attached DWG of the rl to be within your acad search path.


Thnak guys


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setq a new point with this sub:

;(mid3dpt pt1 pt2)
(defun mid3dpt (pt1 pt2 /)
   (mapcar '+
           (mapcar '/ (mapcar '- pt2 pt1) '(2.0 2.0 2.0))
 "@" ;;;; will display "@" after midpoint is calced, remove this line to display coordinates of calced midpoint

(setq $p_mid (mid3dpt $p1 #p2))

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nice couple of methods guy.


thanks for your help.


one quick one


how do you get an offset point fom the mid point if i wanted to insert some text say 2.5 x dimscale offset from the midpoint

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  • 1 month later...
how do you get an offset point fom the mid point if i wanted to insert some text say 2.5 x dimscale offset from the midpoint


Try this maybe:

(defun c:txtoff (/ offs l1 l1ent p1 p2 l1ang txt txtpt txtpt1)
 (setq offs (getreal "\nSpecify Offset Distance: "))
   (/= (setq l1 (car (entsel "\nSelect Line for Text: "))) nil)
   (setq l1ent (entget l1))
   (setq p1 (cdr (assoc 10 l1ent)))
   (setq p2 (cdr (assoc 11 l1ent)))
   (setq l1ang (angle p1 p2))
   (setq txt (getstring t "\nSpecify Text: "))
   (setq txtpt
           (/ (distance p1 p2) 2)
       ) ; end polar
   ) ; end setq
   (setq txtpt1
           (+ l1ang (/ pi 2))
       ) ; end polar
   ) ; end setq
   (entmake    (list    '(0 . "TEXT")
               '(8 . "TEXT")
               (cons 10 txtpt1)
               (cons 40 (* 2.5 (getvar "DIMSCALE")))
               (cons 1 txt)
               (cons 50 l1ang)
               '(7 . "STANDARD")
               '(71 . 0)
               '(72 . 1)
               '(73 . 2)
               (cons 11 txtpt1)
           ) ; end list
   ) ; end entmake    
 ) ; end while
) ; end program

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  • 12 years later...

There are say, 50 points with diferrent x,y in my screen.

First step : I want to indicate the points from which mid points will be measured.

Second step: I need to define a search radius; a circle can be imagined from those selected points in step 1

Third: within that circle i need to idntify other points with x,y and created mid points from that selected points for each pair

These mid points can be joined by a closed polygon.


Can anyone help please? 

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