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I have a need to WMF some drawings. Is it possible to do this in B&W? I don't really want to explode all the blocks just to change their colours.


Can you do WMFOUT as per normal; then open them in Paint, invert the colours via File>Image>Invert Colours, then change the colours in File>Image>Attributes>Colors to be Black & White?


this is not an autocad solution but usually what I do is - if I am inserting these wmf files in office files-, after inserting the image using the picture tools in office programs. for me this is the easiest way that I know.


Thanks both,


Unfortunately (unless I'm doing something wrong) opening with paint reduces the resolution to an unusable point.


These images are not being used in an office document, they form the graphical part of a wiring information package with no graphic editing ability.


How about making a workaround?


Open the drawing, and explode any block which has components that are not coloured Bylayer, change all the layer colours to black/white, export the WMF, then exit the drawing without saving. That way your blocks are not irrecoverably exploded :D


that is what I will probably end up doing but several blocks are within other blocks to several layers deep. If I feel like it tomorrow I may look at a VBA solution. You can tell we're not that busy at the moment.


Print to a *.pdf using the monochrome.ctb pen.


Open the *.pdf and save as.

The resulting *.pdf can then be saved in numerous image file types.


I'm using Adobe Pro 8.


with no inbuilt commands available and me not having Adobe Pro I wrote this little VBA routine....


Public Sub Check_Blocks()
Dim myBlocks As AcadBlocks
Dim myBlock As AcadBlock
Dim myBlockReference As AcadBlockReference
Set myBlocks = ThisDrawing.Blocks
For Each Item In myBlocks
   If Left$(Item.Name, 1) <> "*" Then
   Set myBlock = Item
   Debug.Print Item.Name
   If myBlock.Count <> 0 Then Call SetColour(myBlock)
   End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetColour(myBlock As AcadBlock)
Dim myLayer As AcadLayer
For Each Item In myBlock
   Item.color = acByLayer
   If ThisDrawing.Layers(Item.Layer).Freeze = False Then Item.Layer = "0"
End Sub

I have just updated this to put everything on layer 0 except items already on a frozen layer.


which changes all but coloured attributes and dimensions to "byLayer". Using the Properties Palette gets most of the way to what I wanted to achieve.


Shame I forgot the final output from the wiring diagram routine is to print in B&W so I need not really bothered. It may come in handy some day though. :)


When you have your WMF, if it is to be inserted into a Word document, sometimes the line thicknesses can be spindly. In Word you can Ungroup the inserted image, and then apply Line Style (Word's equivalent of line thickness).

  eldon said:
When you have your WMF, if it is to be inserted into a Word document, sometimes the line thicknesses can be spindly. In Word you can Ungroup the inserted image, and then apply Line Style (Word's equivalent of line thickness).


If the drawing was saved monochrome, as a *.pdf.


The *.pdf can be saved as an MS Word document using Adobe Pro.

  Tankman said:
If the drawing was saved monochrome, as a *.pdf.


The *.pdf can be saved as an MS Word document using Adobe Pro.


Not having Adobe Pro, I was wondering if you had any control over line thickness :?


Not great but, decent enough.


I printed to a *.pdf tried to save as MS Word *.doc, didn't work too well.


I saved the *.pdf as a *.jpg and inserted into an MS Word file, worked excellent.


Below is a super sized down *.jpg image from paperspace.

I downsized the *.pdf is MS Paint, don't have a need for PhotoShop although I hear good stuff 'bout the program.


  Tankman said:
Not great but, decent enough.


I printed to a *.pdf tried to save as MS Word *.doc, didn't work too well.


I saved the *.pdf as a *.jpg and inserted into an MS Word file.



Your method is raster based, so the line thickness has to be preset.


The WMF method is vector based, and thus has line thickness control in the final document, and set to suit.


Anyway, two different approaches for the OP. :D


I thought that a picture might help.


The top picture is with a line thickness of ¾pt, and the bottom picture is with a line thickness of 4½pt (rather excessive but shows what you can do)


  eldon said:
Anyway, two different approaches for the OP. :D
and the OP doesn't know why you bothered to keep posting - he has already found a solution he likes.













  dbroada said:
and the OP doesn't know why you bothered to keep posting - he has already found a solution he likes.


There you go, trying to stop people posting :shock:


But you did not say that you had found a solution, and even saying that does not stop ideas being posted. :roll:

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