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Status Bar Help

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I am having a problem with my status bar/tray at the bottom of the screen. The one located under the command line that has the SNAP, ORTHO, POLAR, ect buttons. I attached a jpg pic of what I am getting. The tray is getting forced over by command/information and will not return to where I can use them. I have no clue what that portion of the tray is even called. It is very fustrating so any help would be appreciated.


Running AutoCAD Mechanical 2004


autocad status bar trouble.jpg


You're right. It's called the Tray.


How did you get it to appear that way? Have you been doing any customizing?


When did the problem first occur?


I just loaded this within the past two weeks. I have had the problem since start up. I have not had this problem ever before andI have been using many versions of AutoCAD on and off for at least 8 yrs. This one has me stumped


That's odd... do any of your startup routines (e.g. acaddoc.lsp) have a modemacro statement in them?


I can't say I have ever messed with that. The only thing I ever change from installation is the tool boxes, cusor/pointer/cross hair size, background color. Nothing out of the ordinary. If you have any suggestions on something I could try then I'm willing to give it a shot.


I suppose you could try a REPAIR (this is NOT the same as a reinstall).


Repair registry or repair errors? These are the two options I have. I wouldn't think its a registry problem and I'm not so sure its an error either. I'm guessing its a setting problem. I'm going to go ahead and try the error one first to see if it helps.


NO! Unless you have a copy of RegClean do NOT use a Registry cleaning program.


I meant the REPAIR (AutoCAD) option that came either on the installation CD or the one that could be found in Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programs.


Both of those options I said are on my CD. Yeah, I wasn't going to do the registry one. If I was I would have just unistalled the thing and then reinstalled it completely. I did the repair errors selection and everything is moved back but I have a feeling its going to do it again just by the looks of it. I am going to try to keep a close eye on it and see if it moves out of sight again. Eh, its just fustrating!


Heres what it looks like after the repair errors in autocad installation. Notice where it says "Target: ASSEMBLY"

It is much shorter now. I hope I can find a way to get rid of that portion completely.

autocad status bar trouble 1.jpg


That is very odd indeed. Target?


Do you, by any chance, get drawing files in from other sources that you utilize in preparing your drawings?


No, I created the drawings on this computer. I would draw one component up in one sheet/file and use another file for another part. Then I would bring them all into one using layers for each part so I could "assemble" it in a way. But sometimes I do it all in one file and don't copy and paste any parts from one to another. It shouldn't matter I wouldn't think since they are all from the same computer and same software package.


I thought maybe you had imported some files perhaps from Inventor or Solidworks.


Was the "Target" reference then more like a "path" to a project folder?


That spefific one is the name of the part or file. The One showed in the previous pic had a different description. Looking more like commands or snap points. I dont know.....

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