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if it can load a list of txt file, that will be perfect

  cube707 said:
if it can load a list of txt file, that will be perfect


This feature is yet to be implemented, however, there is a workaround:


  • Run Version 2.0 of the BFind program
  • Enter a few find/replace pairs
  • Save the list of pairs using an arbitrary save reference.
  • Exit the BFind program
  • At the AutoCAD command-line, type:
    (findfile "LMAC_BFind_SavedSearches_V2-0.txt")

  • Navigate to this file in Windows Explorer
  • Edit the file as required, ensuring that you keep to the same format
  • Run BFind
  • Load the new list.


AutoCad 2014 and BFind error.

not wanting to move into another thread, i found that the issue with BFind is the same as

the Properties Palette having no selection. Installing AutoCad 2014 without 360 solved

both problems.


  glafond said:
AutoCad 2014 and BFind error.

not wanting to move into another thread, i found that the issue with BFind is the same as

the Properties Palette having no selection. Installing AutoCad 2014 without 360 solved

both problems.



I was rather puzzled by your reported error, so that is fantastic to hear that you were able to solve the problem!

Thank you for the sharing the solution for others in the community!


Lee first off i am new to the forums. I have ran into a few problems with the bfind 2.0. Most-likely on the user end. =) I have used bfind in the past an it has worked great. I just started a new project and the client has changed the valve tags on us from 301 to 151. So i started up BFind and continued like i always do drop the lsp routine into autocad and run bfind. I have about 30 P&ID's, 20 Plans and sections and about 60 isometrics in one unit that I need to change the tags on we have 8 units. =/ there is money in chaos =)


The problem i am having is that it seams to be processing but it says Command: bfind

Working, Please Wait.......................



Command: What am i doing wrong... Please Please Please help. :D


BTW Autocad 2012 and Cadworx 2012.

  sballa79 said:
I just started a new project and the client has changed the valve tags on us from 301 to 151.


Please note that the current version of BFind does not search attribute tags, only attribute values.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

Posted (edited)
  Lee Mac said:
Please note that the current version of BFind does not search attribute tags, only attribute values.

Sorry for this inconvenience.


here is a little video of whats going on.

my last post did not show up here i think it was because i cant link anything yet....

Google Drive login view https://drive.google.com/?usp=chrome_app#folders/0B90mOvvuwQ4cMFpmNjBqY2hSbzA

I tried it with just text and mtext still a no go..

Do i need to have any special file paths?




try this one


https://googledrive.com/host/0B90mOvvuwQ4cMFpmNjBqY2hSbzA/Copy of bfind.avi




Edited by sballa79
ok last edit i promise.. lol

ok i updated the above post with some links to a short video on whats going on.

sorry if it alerted you on the edits.. Don't want to be a hound :pirate:

They are killing :skull: me here.. And i know that your Program and Great wisdom will make me look like a hero.


I will have to send you a Virtual Beer when we get this figured out! :beer:


Did i Brown nose enough. LOL I am desperate! :whistle:


Hi sballa,


I've taken a look at your video and, given the program configuration and text object shown in your video, the issues you are experiencing do seem odd. I've just tested the program using a single-line text object containing the content shown in your video (with the program configured identically), and the program performs the replacement as expected.


Are you able to upload a sample drawing? (not sure what the restrictions are on attachments for members with post count




I sent you an email with one of the drawings.

  sballa79 said:
I sent you an email with one of the drawings.


Thank you, I shall take a look.

  • 2 months later...

Hello Lee Mac,

How to stop the program from numbering of the replacement strings?

  fathihvac said:
Hello Lee Mac,

How to stop the program from numbering of the replacement strings?


I am unsure what you are referring to - do you mean the number of replacements noted in the CSV report generated by the program?


i mean the numbering sequences after replacing strings in the string it self:

Example: searched string "A" (3 occurences in the dwg) to be replaced by "B" so the result in the dwg is:


  • 3 months later...

Hi Lee Mac,


I am having trouble finding the option to search just within selected area.


Is it possible?


I took a look at the options, and I can't find the needed one (option).


Example: I have a drawing with predefined labels (as-123.45-Ф-xxx). The list is predefined and the column is too small to fit all the label text. I am changing "as-123.45-Ф-" JUST within table with "*" - and making a remark.

The labels in drawing area should remain intact.



  p0peye said:
I am having trouble finding the option to search just within selected area.


Is it possible?


I took a look at the options, and I can't find the needed one (option).


Example: I have a drawing with predefined labels (as-123.45-Ф-xxx). The list is predefined and the column is too small to fit all the label text. I am changing "as-123.45-Ф-" JUST within table with "*" - and making a remark.

The labels in drawing area should remain intact.


You can restrict the program to search objects of a particular type (in your case, Table Text only), and also restrict the search to only objects residing in Modelspace or Layout Space, however, it is not currently possible to restrict the search to a particular area of the drawing.




Hi Lee,


Thanks for the answer :) - I wish it was so simple.


I am working in Advance Steel and exploding drawings to auto-cad simple entities in the end, so I could send the drawings to colleagues that are working in autocad (don't ask me) - so the exploded table is in fact bunch of lines and single text entities...

The exploded drawing is found in the Layout space...


Thanks anyway - I will combine - using Acad's S&R for this problem, and your for other :)




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