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Curved 3D Solids with multiple vertex and segment - how to create?

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Hi everyone,


Please look at my screen shots and the sample ACAD file attached to figure out if you could help me with this problem:


I would like to create a curved 3D solids with vertices and segments (see encircled in the second screen shot) as in the second figure in my screen shots. I did a model (first figure) in AutoCAD 2008 that exactly duplicate the original (second figure) created by an unknown version of AutoCAD but I was not able to have the exact properties (or specifically the vertices and segments) as in the original. Notice that the first figure has only three (3) vertex on one side but the original solid (second figure) has multiple vertex and connected by a line segments too. I like to have the kind of the original figure when modeling 3D solids with curvature for some purpose like easy editing in 3Ds Max when transported.


I hope I can find a solution through this forum...





I like to have the kind of the original figure when modeling 3D solids with curvature for some purpose like easy editing in 3Ds Max when transported.


If you want to see more lines in Autocad, increase your ISOLINES setting. But if you want more smoothness when importing to Max, you will need to change the "Maximum surface deviation for 3D solids" setting in the Max DWG Import Options dialog. A lower number will create a smoother curve. Try importing with a setting of 0.01 to start with.


Thanks Cad64, Yes I actually using "Rescale" then set 0.005 in the "Maximum surface deviation for 3D solids" in my previous project and I have my curved solids fine smooth in 3D Max but what I am really looking is the vertex in a curved 3D solids to be preset in CAD before imported in Max for some other purpose rather than manually edit it in Max after imported. Please take a look on the screen shot below: This model was imported in Max with 0.005 maximum surface deviation for 3D solids settings and was rescaled to meters, my units in CAD when I created it.


what I am really looking is the vertex in a curved 3D solids to be preset in CAD before imported in Max


As far as I know, you can't.


Why do you need it preset in CAD when you can easily just set it in your Max Import options? :unsure:

As far as I know, you can't.


Why do you need it preset in CAD when you can easily just set it in your Max Import options? :unsure:


Well, I am just curious why such solids created by an ACAD has been possible on for its author which on my end, I can't do it... That is why I posted this thread if someone knows about it and can share how to do it.


Thanks anyway for trying to go over my question.


Are you sure the original object was created in Autocad? If so, you will need to find out what version.


Yes Sir Cad64, and I have just found out from my friend who created it using an AutoCad 2000i but eventually he is far from me to check if he is really using this version, lol... I currently don't have this version of ACAD to try testing or experiment on the drawing. But if anyone here still use this version (ACAD 2000i) and wants to experiment on it, I would really appreciate if you do it for me by just drawing any solid of your choice with curvature. Then please check if the series of vertices can be set out along the curved solid.


Nevertheless, it's just leading me to a conclusion that my question of "how to do such..." wouldn't be possible in my current version which is ACAD 2008 or may be even later versions.

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