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CopyStored.lsp - Copy stored objects


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Something I was playing around with a while back. I use it form time to time. Made a little update yesterday and thought I'd add it here.


Will allow you to select a group of objects and store them for later copying. This objects are stored in a global variable and do not have anything to do with the Clipboard. Once you store the objects, you can continue performing any normal functions and when you are ready to have those stored objects to place somewhere else, just execute the command.


Call with Copystored or CS


Sorry for the choppy video, I had to cut the frames to keep file size down (not sure what's going on with Camtasia).




;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;    CopyStored.lsp v1.3
;;;    Copyright© 08.18.09
;;;    Alan J. Thompson (alanjt)
;;;    Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
;;;    for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
;;;    that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
;;;    that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and
;;;    restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting
;;;    documentation.
;;;    The following program(s) are provided "as is" and with all faults.
;;;    Alan J. Thompson DOES NOT warrant that the operation of the program(s)
;;;    will be uninterrupted and/or error free.
;;;    Allows user to select object(s) for copying (uses first object in
;;;    selection for insertion point or specified point) and stores
;;;    selection set and insertion point for later usage.
;;;    Express Tools "acet-ss-drag-move" subroutine required.
;;;    Revision History:
;;;    v1.1 (09.29.09) 1. Changed copy method.
;;;            2. Updated error handler
;;;            3. Added AT:SS->List subroutine.
;;;    v1.2 (12.15.09) 1. Updated to account for non WCS (oversite).
;;;    v1.3 (02.23.10) 1. Added check if "acet-ss-drag-move" is loaded.
;;;            2. Added option to specify copy base point.
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Edited by alanjt
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Nice idea Alan, I should imagine that it would come in quite handy :)

Thanks Lee. :)

I make use of it when I'm working on a big stretch of road and have some label/object(s) that I want to use over and over. It saves me from dealing with Clipboard or panning back to where I last placed the label/object.


Another one (four to be precise), that predates my writing of this code:


I still use these as well. All are useful in certain situations. I'm lazy but like to make the most out of my day.:geek:

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I make use of it when I'm working on a big stretch of road and have some label/object(s) that I want to use over and over. It saves me from dealing with Clipboard or panning back to where I last placed the label/object.


Yeah, the Clipboard is pretty slow when used through AutoCAD (not to mention a hassle to use with LISP also)...

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Yeah, the Clipboard is pretty slow when used through AutoCAD (not to mention a hassle to use with LISP also)...

No kidding. Plus, too many times, I've Clipboard'ed something to only forget and flip over to my web browser and accidentally clipboard something.

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Sorry for the choppy video, I had to cut the frames to keep file size down (not sure what's going on with Camtasia).


i got same problem everytime i use that software before

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  • 3 months later...
Good lisp, I have a dream become a Autlisp programmer to help my job and my designer colleague


Cheers. :)

Helps me from time to time.

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  • 5 months later...



Your "CopyStored.lsp" program (As posted on the CadTutor website) appears to be one which would be very valuable to me. The entire code listing is not available for copy and paste from the code listing on the forum. Is this something that you would be willing to repost so that it could be copied in its entirety?


Thank you for all of the code that you have posted on the website, and for all of the assistance that I see you have provided to "newbees" like myself.

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The concept of your CopyStored.lsp program sounded like something that I would use a lot. Although I was unable to download it, it inspired me to take a stab at something myself. What I came up with was surprisingly simple (more of a macro than a real progam), but will still fit my needs quite nicely, I think. It doesn't provide nearly as many options as yours would have, I'm sure, and I'm sure it is not nearly as elegant, either, but I thought I'd add it to your post, here, in case it might benefit someone else, who, like me, was unable to download your program. I actually split mine up into 4 separate little programs. Two are designed to save separate copysets for future use, while the other two actually perform the copy operations. I have two of each, so that I can have two separate copysets available. I thought about combining everything into one program and making the number of copy sets a user specified option, but I'll leave that for another time, since the extra features are hardly worth the extra "programming" time at this moment.


Thank you for the idea !!!

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