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When I first entered my dimensions the numbers were so small I had to scroll in to look at them. I adjusted them by going back to mydimstyle and entering the number 48. The numbers were then readable but then when I tried adding text, the same thing happened. I tried adjusting it but no luck. (I may have messed up when setting up the dwg.) When I went back in today to try again I found that all the dimensions had gone back to the small unreadable numbers. Can someone help me out here? I have this dwg that has pretty inticate detail and I don't want to have to start all over again. Any help would be most appreciated. :cry:


try changing text size in the text style dialoge box.


-type style, then change text size in pop up box.


I don't think previously entered text will change, but you can select all text or dim's via quick select tool, located at top of properties bar, and do global change of text size there.


You must need to set text height (zero) to text style from dim style.then you can adjust text height from dim style.


Thanks so much for replying. I did try changing the font height in the text box...i put 0 for dims. Still, no luck. I can't understand how the dimensions were fine last night when i closed the program but are miniscule now. Another tip off that i may have messed up somewhere is that when i click to add a single line text i don't even get the line where the first letter will begin. i did try a new "practice" dwg and it gave dimensions and text just fine so i must have just messed up somewhere along the way with the first one. One other question, would it be possible to copy and paste my picture to a new dwg or is that the easy way out. Maybe it is just too late at night to mess with this. AutoCAD should come with a disclaimer stating serious problems can occur using it after midnight!


First you need to open dimstyle dialog box.Then you need to select your dimstyle name and click on modify.Next you will change text tab and click a text add.Then you will see text style dialog box and you need to change text height to "0" and check your text style will be current text style.After that you can go back text tab and can change your text height.Good luck!To get image to cad dwg,normally use "tool" "insert" "rasterimage".

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