The Buzzard Posted February 15, 2010 Posted February 15, 2010 Lee, Here a new one. Is there a way to rotate a lwpolyline with entmake after the polyline has been made or is this best left to selection set malipulation. I do not want to resort to a rotate command call. Selection set is not such a big deal, But I was just wondering if there is an entmake alternative. Thanks The Buzzard Quote
Lee Mac Posted February 16, 2010 Author Posted February 16, 2010 The rotate code is only available with text/inserts etc (group 51 as you may know). I believe you would have to calculate the resultant positions of the polyline vertices, and modify the definition, if you wanted to proceed this way. But there are alternatives, for example, the vla-rotate function in VL. And there is also the powerful vla-transformby if you wanted to get a bit mathematically pure about it: (defun rotate (obj pt ang / RotationMatrix Vector) ;; Rotation by Matrix ~ Lee Mac (setq RotationMatrix (list (list (cos ang) (- (sin ang)) 0.0) (list (sin ang) (cos ang) 0.0) (list 0.0 0.0 1.0))) (setq Vector (mapcar (function -) pt (mxv RotationMatrix pt))) (vla-transformby obj (vlax-tmatrix (append (mapcar (function (lambda (r x) (append r (list x)))) RotationMatrix Vector) '((0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)))))) ;; MXV Apply a transformation matrix to a vector -Vladimir Nesterovsky- (defun mxv (m v) (mapcar '(lambda (r) (apply '+ (mapcar '* r v))) m)) Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Lee Mac said: The rotate code is only available with text/inserts etc (group 51 as you may know). I believe you would have to calculate where the vertices of the polyline would end up, and modify the definition, if you wanted to proceed this way. But there are alternatives, for example, the vla-rotate function in VL, and also the vla-transformby if you wanted to get a bit mathematically pure about it. (defun rotate (obj pt ang / RotationMatrix Vector) ;; Rotation by Matrix ~ Lee Mac (setq RotationMatrix (list (list (cos ang) (- (sin ang)) 0.0) (list (sin ang) (cos ang) 0.0) (list 0.0 0.0 1.0))) (setq Vector (mapcar (function -) pt (mxv RotationMatrix pt))) (vla-transformby obj (vlax-tmatrix (append (mapcar (function (lambda (r x) (append r (list x)))) RotationMatrix Vector) '((0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)))))) ;; MXV Apply a transformation matrix to a vector -Vladimir Nesterovsky- (defun mxv (m v) (mapcar '(lambda (r) (apply '+ (mapcar '* r v))) m)) I have taken into consideration calculating the point locations. I would prefer to stick with an entmake option all the same. I shall see what I can come up with. Thanks Quote
Lee Mac Posted February 16, 2010 Author Posted February 16, 2010 This would work using entmod to calculate where the new vertices will be: (defun rotate (ent pt ang / RotationMatrix Vector) ;; LWPoly Rotation by Matrix ~ Lee Mac (setq RotationMatrix (list (list (cos ang) (- (sin ang)) 0.0) (list (sin ang) (cos ang) 0.0) (list 0.0 0.0 1.0))) (setq Vector (mapcar (function -) pt (mxv RotationMatrix pt))) (entmod (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (if (= 10 (car x)) (cons 10 (mapcar '+ (mxv RotationMatrix (cdr x)) Vector)) x))) (entget ent)))) ;; MXV Apply a transformation matrix to a vector -Vladimir Nesterovsky- (defun mxv (m v) (mapcar '(lambda (r) (apply '+ (mapcar '* r v))) m)) Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Lee Mac said: This would work using entmod to calculate where the new vertices will be: (defun rotate (ent pt ang / RotationMatrix Vector) ;; LWPoly Rotation by Matrix ~ Lee Mac (setq RotationMatrix (list (list (cos ang) (- (sin ang)) 0.0) (list (sin ang) (cos ang) 0.0) (list 0.0 0.0 1.0))) (setq Vector (mapcar (function -) pt (mxv RotationMatrix pt))) (entmod (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (if (= 10 (car x)) (cons 10 (mapcar '+ (mxv RotationMatrix (cdr x)) Vector)) x))) (entget ent)))) ;; MXV Apply a transformation matrix to a vector -Vladimir Nesterovsky- (defun mxv (m v) (mapcar '(lambda (r) (apply '+ (mapcar '* r v))) m)) Lee, I thought it would be much less complcated, But I shall figure this one out. Thanks again Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Lee, I posted a message about a problem with a function, But deleted it soon after. I solved the problem due to a wrong input value. Thanks anyway Quote
Lee Mac Posted February 16, 2010 Author Posted February 16, 2010 The Buzzard said: Lee, I thought it would be much less complcated, But I shall figure this one out. Thanks again This will greatly help you understand its methods: Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Lee Mac said: This will greatly help you understand its methods: Anyway Lee, I figured out my own method, Not that there is anything wrong with the one you provided. I just did not think for the purpose of what I am trying to do that the addition of another function was really needed. Here in this example I just swapped points and it works well. I am sure you will find things you may not like , So feel free to tear it apart. Its all good. ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ; Start-Up Function. ; (defun C:COMPLEX () (SAVE_USER_SETTINGS) (princ)) (princ "\nCOMPLEX.lsp loaded... Type Complex to start.") ; ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ; Save User Settings Function. ; (defun SAVE_USER_SETTINGS (/ SUS) (setq SUS_LIST (list "cmdecho" "orthomode" "osmode" "blipmode" "clayer" "angbase" "angdir")) (setq SUS (mapcar 'getvar SUS_LIST)) (setq TERR$ *error*) (setq *error* ERROR_TRAP) (GET_LTYP) (princ)) ; ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ; Get Linetype Function. ; (defun GET_LTYP (/ STRPT ENDPT RADIANS DEGREES LNAM LTNAM LCLR LTYP LWGT) (or L::UNIT (setq L::UNIT "I")) (or L::TNAM (setq L::TNAM "1")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0)(setvar "orthomode" 1)(setvar "osmode" (nth 2 SUS))(setvar "angbase" 0)(setvar "angdir" 0) (initget 8 "I U") (setq L::UNIT (cond ((getkword (strcat"\nSelect linetype standard; [<I>SO, <U>S] Default <"L::UNIT">: "))) (T L::UNIT))) (initget 8 "1 2 3 4") (setq L::TNAM (cond ((getkword (strcat"\nSelect linetype number; [<1> Batting, <2> Hot Water Supply, <3> Gas Line or <4> Zig zag] Default <"L::TNAM">: "))) (T L::TNAM))) (cond ((= L::TNAM "1")(setq LTNAM "BATTING")) ((= L::TNAM "2")(setq LTNAM "HOT_WATER_SUPPLY")) ((= L::TNAM "3")(setq LTNAM "GAS_LINE")) ((= L::TNAM "4")(setq LTNAM "ZIGZAG"))) (if (not (tblsearch "LTYPE" LTNAM)) (cond ((= L::UNIT "I")(command "._-linetype" "_load" LTNAM "acadiso.lin" "")) ((= L::UNIT "U")(command "._-linetype" "_load" LTNAM "acad.lin" "")))) (MAKE_LAYER) (princ)) ; ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ; Make Layer Function. ; (defun MAKE_LAYER () (setq LNAM LTNAM LCLR 2 LTYP LTNAM LWGT 35) (if (null (tblsearch "layer" LNAM)) (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LAYER") (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord") (cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord") (cons 2 LNAM) (cons 6 LTYP) (cons 62 LCLR) (cons 70 0) (cons 290 1) (cons 370 LWGT)))) (MAKE_PLINE) (princ)) ; ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ; Make Polyline Function. ; (defun MAKE_PLINE () (setq STRPT (getpoint "\nSpecify line starting point: ")) (while (/= nil (setq ENDPT (getpoint STRPT "\nSpecify line ending point: "))) (setq RADIANS (angle STRPT ENDPT) DEGREES (RTD RADIANS)) (if (and (> DEGREES 90)(<= DEGREES 270)) (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE") (cons 100 "AcDbEntity") (cons 8 LNAM) (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline") (cons 90 2) (cons 70 0) (cons 10 ENDPT) (cons 10 STRPT)))) (if (or (> DEGREES 270)(<= DEGREES 90)) (entmakex (list (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE") (cons 100 "AcDbEntity") (cons 8 LNAM) (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline") (cons 90 2) (cons 70 0) (cons 10 STRPT) (cons 10 ENDPT)))) (setq STRPT ENDPT)) (RESTORE_USER_SETTINGS) (princ)) ; ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ; Degrees To Radians Function. ; (defun DTR (DEGREES)(* pi (/ a 180.0))) ; ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ; Radians To Degrees Function. ; (defun RTD (RADIANS)(* 180.0 (/ RADIANS pi))) ; ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ; Restore User Settings Function. ; (defun RESTORE_USER_SETTINGS () (setq *error* TERR$) (if SUS (mapcar 'setvar SUS_LIST SUS)) (princ "\nProgram completed and will now restore the user settings and exit.") (princ)) ; ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ; Error Trap Function. ; (defun ERROR_TRAP (ERRORMSG) (command nil nil nil) (if (not (member ERRORMSG '("console break" "Function cancelled"))) (princ (strcat "\nError:" ERRORMSG))) (if SUS (mapcar 'setvar SUS_LIST SUS)) (princ "\nAttention!....A user error has occurred.") (princ "\nThe program will now restore the user settings and exit.") (terpri) (setq *error* TERR$) (princ)) ; ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Quote
Lee Mac Posted February 16, 2010 Author Posted February 16, 2010 The Buzzard said: Anyway Lee, I figured out my own method, Not that there is anything wrong with the one you provided. I just did not think for the purpose of what I am trying to do that the addition of another function was really needed. Here in this example I just swapped points and it works well. I am sure you will find things you may not like , So feel free to tear it apart. Its all good. Surely this would only work for rotations of pi? Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Lee Mac said: Surely this would only work for rotations of pi? I did not need more than what you see. The other code will be handy when I get into something more complicated. Quote
Lee Mac Posted February 16, 2010 Author Posted February 16, 2010 The Buzzard said: I did not need more than what you see. The other code will be handy when I get into something more complicated. Whatever works for you Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 Lee, I was messing around with splines trying to get DXF data from them and noticed that the list size is not always the same. Depending on how its constructed can change all this. So if I wanted to construct a dotted pair, How could a list be made to accomodate all this variation? (-1 . <Entity name: 7ef65018>) (0 . "SPLINE") (330 . <Entity name: 7ef59cf8>) (5 . "28B") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 . "0") (100 . "AcDbSpline") (210 0.0 0.0 1.0) (70 . (71 . 3) (72 . 9) (73 . 5) (74 . 3) (42 . 1.0e-010) (43 . 1.0e-010) (44 . 1.0e-010) (40 . 0.0) (40 . 0.0) (40 . 0.0) (40 . 0.0) (40 . 3.79147) (40 . 6.74976) (40 . 6.74976) (40 . 6.74976) (40 . 6.74976) (10 -12.9531 13.532 0.0) (10 -11.7433 12.8785 0.0) (10 -9.58959 11.7152 0.0) (10 -9.50751 9.31821 0.0) (10 -9.47153 8.26764 0.0) (11 -12.9531 13.532 0.0) (11 -9.9774 11.1824 0.0) (11 -9.47153 8.26764 0.0) Quote
Lee Mac Posted February 19, 2010 Author Posted February 19, 2010 The same way that you would accomodate for varying list lengths when entmaking a polyline * hint de hint hint * :wink: Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 I assume that would mean providing additional calculations. I am just not sure what all the required values needed means. Some of the terms I never heard of, So how is one to write a calculation for some of these. e.g. Knots, Control points, Fit points etc etc.. Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 I am also going to assume this involves lots of trig. Fun Fun Fun Quote
Lee Mac Posted February 19, 2010 Author Posted February 19, 2010 The Buzzard said: I am also going to assume this involves lots of trig. Fun Fun Fun Yes, Nurbs are difficult to program - easier to use vla-addSpline Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 Lee Mac said: Yes, Nurbs are difficult to program - easier to use vla-addSpline Whats a Nurb or do you mean Nerd? Quote
Lee Mac Posted February 19, 2010 Author Posted February 19, 2010 The Buzzard said: Whats a Nurb or do you mean Nerd? Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 Lee Mac said: Yikes! My brain hurts! Quote
The Buzzard Posted February 19, 2010 Posted February 19, 2010 I think its fair to say that you need to be mentally prepared for that. I will just have to invest the time in it over the long haul and see where it goes. Thanks Quote
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