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I bought a macBook Pro about 7 months ago

I also bought a copy of Parallels so I could use AutoCad

I've found that 2010 was too big to work in a virtual machine as there are only so many cups of tea you can have waiting for cad to start.

So I'm using 2007.

I've been trying to teach myself how to draw in 3D hence the previous varied posts on this forum.

I now have a new problem which confounds me and my colleagues.

Normally when trying to subtract one solid from another e.g a cylinder from a box section beam (I'm making a hole through the beam) everything works fine.

However occasionally I do exactly the same but the beam disappears leaving the cylinder.

I wonder if this is one of those weird Mac things like pressing " to get an @ symbol?


Might be, I had to help a sales rep who used a MBP and she had issues with here Mighty Mouse in bootcamp. It seems that Apple did not make drivers for that mouse in windows so she was very limited to how she could use it. Of course switching to a new mouse was out of the question ;)

Have you tried to use bootcamp instead of Parallels? I do know that hardware virtualization is not the same in Parallels as it is under true hardware usage.


Could use boot camp but the reason I swapped to mac was to get away from some of the virus issues.

I've got rid of internet explorer and try to keep windows as dumb as possible. So parallels means I can still get my e-mails etc. when that 5 minute drawing turns into a five hour saga!


Well just installing Windows and having IE on a box will not get it a virus. Don't like IE don't use it. Run FF or Safari, simple as that. Use Windows Defender if you are worried about maleware. Since using Windows since 3.11 I can count virus I have gotten on 1 hand with 3 fingers to spare ;) One was on a Word doc way back when and the last was 3 years ago using IE. I stopped that day and have not looked back. Firefox is way more secure to me and I dropped Outlook at home as well.

Yeah it is nice to be able to jump back to OSX when you need it. Hard to beat that :(


Try turning off solidhist before beginning.

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