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I've searched the internet for a LISP routine that will grab lines of individual text and re-list them correctly aligned and equally spaced apart.


Anyone know of a LISP that does this or something similar that I can edit?

LOL, David


the custom lisp routine you mentioned will be prety hard to find unless, as you suggested someone has created one and they send you it on here, is there nothing on the web for like a lisp archive where people can contribute? sorry im not really a lisp man, but couldnt refuse the doctor pun. :)


I have trawled the internet for a suitable LISP or something similar to no avail. There are literally thousands of LISP routines avilable on the web (many that do the same thing and even many that are already AutoCAD commands). I have probably missed the ideal one somewhere as there are so many.


Thanks for your interest.


Found something:


(defun c:daly (/ tHeight insPoint dtSet oldDisMode errFlag 
                sStr tAlignPt tAlignment disDelta dtList 
                oldStrDis hitStr alignList oldMinPt maxPt
         minPt oldAlign oldDirect)

 (defun texAlign (item /)
   (if(= daly:Direct "Y")
         (setq disDelta(- disDelta daly:strDis)); end setq 
     (vla-put-Alignment (car str) tAlignment) 
  ((= tAlignment 0) 
     (vla-put-InsertionPoint (car str) 
       (vlax-3D-Point(car insPoint) 
         (+ disDelta(cadr insPoint))(nth 2 insPoint))) 
  ((member tAlignment '(1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14)) 
     (vla-put-TextAlignmentPoint (car str) 
       (vlax-3D-Point(car tAlignPt) 
         (+ disDelta(cadr tAlignPt))(nth 2 tAlignPt))) 
  ((member tAlignment '(3 5)) 
   (princ "\nCan't align string with Aligned or Fit alignment ") 
  ); end cond
); end progn
     (setq disDelta(- disDelta daly:strDis)); end setq 
     (vla-put-Alignment (car str) tAlignment) 
  ((= tAlignment 0) 
     (vla-put-InsertionPoint (car str) 
       (vlax-3D-Point(-(car insPoint)disDelta)
         (cadr insPoint)(nth 2 insPoint))) 
  ((member tAlignment '(1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14)) 
     (vla-put-TextAlignmentPoint (car str) 
       (vlax-3D-Point(-(car tAlignPt)disDelta)
         (cadr tAlignPt)(nth 2 tAlignPt))) 
  ((member tAlignment '(3 5)) 
   (princ "\nCan't align string with Aligned or Fit alignment ") 
  ); end cond
     ); end progn
   ); end if
   ); end of texAlign

 (if(not daly:Direct)(setq daly:Direct "Y"))
 (setq oldDirect daly:Direct)
 (if(not daly:Align)(setq daly:Align "H"))
 (setq oldAlign daly:Align)
 (if(not daly:disMode)(setq daly:disMode "S")) 
 (setq oldDisMode daly:disMode) 
 (if(not daly:strDis)(setq daly:strDis 4.167)) 
 (setq oldStrDis daly:strDis)
 (initget "Y X")
 (setq daly:Direct 
     (strcat "\nSpecify alignment direction [X-axis/Y-axis] <"daly:Direct">: ")))
 (if(null daly:Direct)(setq daly:Direct oldDirect))
 (initget "H L C M R TL TC TR ML MC MR BL BC BR")
 (setq daly:Align 
     (strcat "\nSpecify justification [Hitest string/Left/Center/Middle/Right/TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR] <"daly:Align">: "))
alignList '(("L" 0)("C" 1)("R" 2)("M" 4)("TL" 6)("TC" 7)("TR" ("ML" 9)("MC" 10)("MR" 11)("BL" 12)("BC" 13)("BR" 14))
	    ); end setq 
 (if(null daly:Align)(setq daly:Align oldAlign))
 (initget "S C") 
 (setq daly:disMode 
     (strcat "\nSpecify distance between strings [standard/Custom] <"daly:disMode">: "))) 
 (if(null daly:disMode)(setq daly:disMode oldDisMode)) 
 (if(= daly:disMode "C") 
   (setq daly:strDis(getdist(strcat "\nSpecify Custom distance <"(rtos daly:strDis)">: "))) 
   (if(null daly:strDis)(setq daly:strDis oldStrDis)) 
   (princ(strcat "\nCustom distance is "(rtos daly:strDis))) 
    ); end progn 
   ); end if
 (while T
 (princ "\n<<< Select DText and press Enter or Esc to Quit >>> ") 
    (setq dtSet(ssget '((0 . "TEXT")))) 
     (if(= "Y" daly:Direct)
     (setq dtList(vl-sort(mapcar 
          '(lambda (x)(list x 
              (vla-get-InsertionPoint x)))) 
              (vla-get-TextAlignmentPoint x))))))) 
      (mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object 
                 (vl-remove-if 'listp 
                    (mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex dtSet)))))
          (function(lambda(a b)(>(cadr a)(cadr b))))))

(setq dtList(vl-sort(mapcar 
          '(lambda (x)(list x 
              (vla-get-InsertionPoint x)))) 
              (vla-get-TextAlignmentPoint x))))))) 
      (mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object 
                 (vl-remove-if 'listp 
                    (mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex dtSet)))))
          (function(lambda(a b)(<(cadr a)(cadr b))))))
      ); end if
    (setq hitStr(caar dtList))
     (if(/= "H" daly:Align)
  (vla-getBoundingBox hitStr 'oldMinPt 'MaxPt)
  (foreach lst alignList
	     (if(=(car lst)daly:Align)
                           (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-Alignment(list hitStr(cadr lst)))))
		    (vla-getBoundingBox hitStr 'minPt 'maxPt)
		    (vla-move hitStr minPt oldMinPt)
		    ); end progn
		  ); end if
		 ); end progn
	       ); end if
    ); end foreach
  ); end progn
); end if
    (setq tHeight(vla-get-Height hitStr) 
                      (vla-get-InsertionPoint hitStr))) 
                      (vla-get-TextAlignmentPoint hitStr))) 
          tAlignment(vla-get-Alignment hitStr) 
          dtList(cdr dtList) 
          disDelta 0.0 
    ); end setq 
   (if(= daly:disMode "S")(setq daly:strDis(* 1.6668 tHeight))) 
     (foreach str dtList 
           (vl-catch-all-apply 'texAlign (list str)))) 
      (setq errFlag T) 
      ); end if 
  ); end foreach 
     (if errFlag(princ "\n<!> Some Entities on Locked Layer <!>")) 
 ); end progn 
   (princ "\nStrings isn't selected. ") 
   ); end if
   ); end while
   ); end of dali

(princ "\nType DALY to Run ")


Thanks ASMI but I cut and paste the code into a notepad file with result of .....


Command: _appload

"no function definition at [EVAL]"


.. when I tried to load application. Any ideas?

Command: _appload

"no function definition at [EVAL]"


It strange message, I really don't know. Get working *.lsp file.



I have now found out from one of our IT guys how to make it load by downloading the acad simulation from LT Extender.


If anyone wants to know more details then I can get more details how he sorted it.


Thanks all


Hi. It's possible, but I havn't more time today. This code calculates angle in point of curve. May be you can to find and modify it and add an option? 'curDer' is First Derive in point specified.


(if(=(cadr curDer) 0.0)
                   (setq curAng (/ pi 2))
                          (setq curAng
			(- pi
			  (/(car curDer)
			    (cadr curDer)))))
                  ); end if


I can't to answer when I will to have free time at this week. Maybe at holydays only :(


is it mean adding that part to the lisp

(i have no experience with lisp)

  • 8 months later...

it would be awesome if this could be used for mtext as well

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