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Auto load lsp routine . . .

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Hi, I have had this lisp routine for a while now and it works great however I have to load it manually in every drawing by typing >REAON / >REAOFF. Can anyone tell me what to add/do to make it load automatically? Here is the code :


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In command line type APPLOAD


then follow the attached






I have the lisp routine in my briefcase already. The problem is that to invoke the comand reactors I have to type >REAON once the drawing is open. I want it so I dont have to do this and the command reactors are always on.


Lee - I tried putting the command line in the acad2010doc.lsp but it didnt work? Here is where i put it . . .


;;;===== AutoLoad LISP Applications =====

; Set help for those apps with a command line interface

(setfunhelp "c:gotourl" "" "gotourl")


(autoload "edge" '("edge"))

(setfunhelp "C:edge" "" "edge")


(autoload "reaon" '("reaon"))

(setfunhelp "C:reaon" "" "reaon")


(autoload "3d" '("3d" "3d" "ai_box" "ai_pyramid" "ai_wedge" "ai_dome"

"ai_mesh" "ai_sphere" "ai_cone" "ai_torus" "ai_dish")


Is this right?


Firstly, I wouldn't recommend altering the ACAD2010doc.lsp for various reasons, but rather the ACADDOC.lsp


Also, you need to add this:




As posted earlier. :)


Rule 1 = Avoid the startup suite, period.

Rule 2 = Don't edit "acad20xxdoc.lsp" or "acad20xx.lsp". These files belong to the application. Create/edit the user files named "acad.lsp" and "acaddoc.lsp"


Sorry fellas, I dont seem to have an acad.lsp acaddoc.lsp file in my autocad directory, excuse me if I sound mega thick by the way, do I have to create one? What do I put in it etc etc


Oh, I have now changed my acad2010doc.lsp file back to normal, thanks :)

Sorry fellas, I dont seem to have an acad.lsp acaddoc.lsp file in my autocad directory


You won't by default. These are user created and maintained files.

The application won't touch these files during a repair, reinstall, upgrade, etc.



You can put anything in there you want.

"Acad.lsp" is executed once per session of AutoCAD, at startup.

"acaddoc.lsp" is executed each time a drawing is opened.


Generally, "Acad.doc" is used to set things that don't change between drawings, while "acaddoc.lsp" is used to set drawing specific things and to load lisp files.


If you want to use the (command) function at startup, you should use the special function (S::STARTUP)


All of this is covered in more detail in HELP.


I usually just add something like this to the very end of my acad2007doc.lsp file


(load "C:/mylisps/AUTO.lsp")
obviously you use whatever path your lisp is in. and don't forget to reverse the "\" to "/" . I'm not sure you even need the .lsp part but I put it in anyways.


the acad20xxdoc.lsp file runs everytime you open/start a new drawing

the acad20xx.lsp only runs when you start Autocad.

I usually just add something like this to the very end of my acad2007doc.lsp file


the acad20xxdoc.lsp file runs everytime you open/start a new drawing

the acad20xx.lsp only runs when you start Autocad.


But there is NO reason to use these files. They are subject to being overwritten during a repair, reinstall, upgrade, etc. - and assuming your content survives, you have to cut/paste your changes each time you move to a new version. Forget about editing these files and use the files that are set aside for the user: "acad.lsp" and "acaddoc.lsp"


...and don't forget to reverse the "\" to "/" . I'm not sure you even need the .lsp part but I put it in anyways.


You can either use a forward slash or two backslashes

(load "\\\\server\\share\\mylisp") -or- (load "//server/share/mylisp")

...and you don't need the .lsp, unless you want to specifically load it (in case you have other files with the same name but different extension, like .VLX or .FAS)


Thanks Mcswain and apologies for being a biff!


Sorry to be a pain but I have created acad.lsp and put (C:REAON) in it and made sure that it is loaded every drawing but I still have to type >REAON on the command bar to activate the lisp

Sorry to be a pain but I have created acad.lsp and put (C:REAON) in it and made sure that it is loaded every drawing but I still have to type >REAON on the command bar to activate the lisp


"acad.lsp" is only loaded at application startup.

If you want this code to run each time a drawing is loaded, make sure to put the call in "acaddoc.lsp"


Some related Threads:





But there is NO reason to use these files. They are subject to being overwritten during a repair, reinstall, upgrade, etc. - and assuming your content survives, you have to cut/paste your changes each time you move to a new version. Forget about editing these files and use the files that are set aside for the user: "acad.lsp" and "acaddoc.lsp"




You can either use a forward slash or two backslashes

(load "\\\\server\\share\\mylisp") -or- (load "//server/share/mylisp")

...and you don't need the .lsp, unless you want to specifically load it (in case you have other files with the same name but different extension, like .VLX or .FAS)


well the lisps are not lost just the lines that call them to load. I don't have hundreds of lisps loaded. I have about 10. I rarely reinstall autocad or have to repair it. If I have to retype 10 lines every year or so I don't consider it a hassle. but to each his own.

Rule 1 = Avoid the startup suite, period.


What are the side effects?


I use nowadays a single lisp file - that I loaded that way, with a few routines that use on a daily basis...

I have the lisp routine in my briefcase already. The problem is that to invoke the comand reactors I have to type >REAON once the drawing is open. I want it so I dont have to do this and the command reactors are always on.


Lee - I tried putting the command line in the acad2010doc.lsp but it didnt work? Here is where i put it . . .


;;;===== AutoLoad LISP Applications =====

; Set help for those apps with a command line interface

(setfunhelp "c:gotourl" "" "gotourl")


(autoload "edge" '("edge"))

(setfunhelp "C:edge" "" "edge")


(autoload "reaon" '("reaon"))

(setfunhelp "C:reaon" "" "reaon")


(autoload "3d" '("3d" "3d" "ai_box" "ai_pyramid" "ai_wedge" "ai_dome"

"ai_mesh" "ai_sphere" "ai_cone" "ai_torus" "ai_dish")


Is this right?


If this is for reactors... there is a way to auto load the routine automatically and only to the drawing that have the reactors used...


Now, I need to do a search here on my pc, to know where I left that code... it was a single code line - no need to any known means of autoloading a lisp routine btw.


If I found it, will post it here.

What are the side effects?

No way to automate the list of files.

No way to migrate this list from machine to machine, from version to version, or even from windows profile to windows profile.

No way to populate this list on multiple machines

No way to manage this list on multiple machines

etc. etc. (Ok, technically, if you are proficient with the windows registry and registry scripts, you could do these things, but who wants to when there is a much easier way..?)


I guess if you are a solo operator, with a single install, and had zero experience with autolisp, then I could understand.. but it's not like creating a text file with load statements (the "acaddoc.lsp" file) is rocket science.

well the lisps are not lost just the lines that call them to load. I don't have hundreds of lisps loaded. I have about 10. I rarely reinstall autocad or have to repair it. If I have to retype 10 lines every year or so I don't consider it a hassle. but to each his own.


I understand what you are saying. Maybe it would make more sense to say it this way "There is no reason to NOT use the user files" (acad.lsp and acaddoc.lsp).

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