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xline>ang - why in this file is the entered angle now being counted from the vertical axis instead of the horizontal?


Am I missing something or did you not attach the file?


You are aware that the Xline command gives the user the options Hor/Ver/Ang/Bisect/Offset?


No, there's no attachment - 'this' file is the one I'm working on.

Yes I know those options - it's about the Ang one and from which axis, vert or horiz, it counts the angle I enter.


It happened in one of my file earlier, & after investigating I realised that file was wblocked out of the drawing in which I was working on ucs which was not the world but perpendicular to world


That would be dependednt on the Direction Control settings under UNITS I think...


That's it chulse, brilliant

That's it chulse, brilliant

Woohoo I got one right!:)


Glad to help

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