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Hello guys, I've been learning some DCL recently. I bought some books, read some online stuff. I making the dialog boxes seems pretty easy, my big problem is with writing LISP to make it work.


My Dialog box is attached below. What I would like to happen is when I select an item in the fist popup_list box a list will be available in the 2nd. That list will depend on the first popup_list box selection. Likewise, a list will be displayed in the 3rd popup_list box. that list will depend on what was selected in the 2nd pop up box.


Finally when I press the insert button it will insert the item in the 3rd popup_list


Is this possible to do? I am also attaching my DCL and LSP file.


InsP.DCLFetching info...

InsP.LSPFetching info...


This may help you solve your first issue:

;routine to fill values from a list to a pop-up list tile
(defun FillPopUpList( theTile theList / )
(start_list theTile)                                                    ;start pop-up tile fill operation
 (mapcar 'add_list theList)                                             ;load items from list to pop-up tile

;routine to fill a pop-up list tile based on selection on another
(defun ActionOnMy1stList( / theUserSelection )
(setq theUserSelection (get_tile "My1stList"))                          ;read which entry user selected
;fill second pop-up list with a content related to current selection in first one

 ((= theUserSelection "1") (FillPopUpList "My2ndList" '("a" "b" "c")))
 ((= theUserSelection "2") (FillPopUpList "My2ndList" '("A" "B" "C")))
 ((= theUserSelection "3") (FillPopUpList "My2ndList" '("X" "Y" "Z")))

(FillPopUpList "My1stList" '("1" "2" "3"))                              ;prepare first pop-up list
(action_tile "My1stList" "(ActionOnMy1stList)")                         ;define associated action on pop-up tile


Remember that each action of a tile should be provided as a string.


Second issue: to get the selection from third pop-up tile, take care of the fact that the tile will return the index of selected item as string:


(setq The3rdSelection (nth (atoi (get_tile "My3rdList")) the3rdListContent))


where the the3rdListContent variable store the list curently loaded in the tile.


wow you are a smart man. I really do appreciate it. Now just give me time to try to understand it. again thanks!


Another way:


(defun mk_lst (key lst)
 (start_list key)
 (mapcar 'add_list lst)

(defun get_lst (key code)
 (cond (  (eq key "lvl1")

          (cond (  (eq code 0) '("A" "B" "C" "D"))
                (  (eq code 1) '("E" "F" "G" "H"))))

       (  (eq key "lvl2")

          (cond (  (eq code 0) '("I" "J" "K" "L"))
                (  (eq code 1) '("M" "N" "O" "P"))))))                  

(action_tile "lvl1" (vl-prin1-to-string (quote (progn (mk_lst "lvl2" (get_lst "lvl1" $value))))))
(action_tile "lvl2" (vl-prin1-to-string (quote (progn (mk_lst "lvl2" (get_lst "lvl2" $value))))))


Does this look like i'm on the right path? I abbreviated some of the variables


(prompt "\nType InsP123 to run.....")  ;;;command line prompt.  FYI only

(defun C:InsP123 ()  ;;;;no local variables at the moment

;;;--- Load the WSI Part DCL file
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "InsP123.dcl"))

;;;---Load the dialog Definition if it is not already loaded
    (if (not (new_dialog "InsP123" dcl_id))
    (exit )
    );;;close if statment

;routine to fill values from a list to a pop-up list tile
(defun FillPopUpList( theTile theList / )
(start_list theTile)                                                    ;start pop-up tile fill operation
 (mapcar 'add_list theList)                                             ;load items from list to pop-up tile

;;;routine to fill a pop-up list tile based on selection on another
(defun ActL1( / theUserSelection )    ;;;ActL1 is Action on List #1
(setq US1 (get_tile "lvl1"))        ;;;read which entry user selected.  US1 is User Selection for pop_up lst #1
;;;fill second pop-up list with a content related to current selection in first one

 ((= US1 "1") (FillPopUpList "lvl2" '("[select Part Type]" "2.1A" "2.1B" "2.1C")))   
 ((= US1 "2") (FillPopUpList "lvl2" '("[select Part Type]" "2.2A" "2.2B" "2.2C")))
 ((= US1 "3") (FillPopUpList "lvl2" '("[select Part Type]" "2.3A" "2.3B" "2.3C")))
 ((= US1 "4") (FillPopUplist "lvl2" '("[select Part Type]" "2.4A" "2.4B" "2.4c")))
 ((= US1 "5") (FillPopUplist "lvl2" '("[select Part type]" "2.5A" "2.5B" "2.5C")))
)                ;;;close condition
)                ;;;close ActionOnMy1stList function

(defun ActL2 ( / S2)
 (setq US2 (get_tile "lvl2"))            ;;;hopefully read user entry on 2nd box
 ;;;;fill 3rd pop_up list with content

   ((= US2 "1") (FillPopUpList "lvl3" '("[select Part Size]" "3.1A" "3.1B" "3.1C")))
   ((= US2 "2") (FillPopUpList "lvl3" '("[select Part Size]" "3.2A" "3.2B" "3.2C")))
   ((= US2 "3") (FillPopUpList "lvl3" '("[select Part Size]" "3.3A" "3.3B" "3.3C")))
   ((= US2 "4") (FillPopUpList "lvl3" '("[select Part Size]" "3.4A" "3.4B" "3.4C")))
   ((= US2 "5") (FillPopUpList "lvl3" '("[select Part Size]" "3.4A" "3.4B" "3.5C")))

(defun ActL3 ( / S3)
 (setq US3 (get_tile "lvl3"))

   ((= US3 "1") (FillPopUpList "lvl4" '("[select Part Size]" "4.1A" "4.1B" "4.1C")))
   ((= US3 "2") (FillPopUpList "lvl4" '("[select Part Size]" "4.2A" "4.2B" "4.2C")))
   ((= US3 "3") (FillPopUpList "lvl4" '("[select Part Size]" "4.3A" "4.3B" "4.3C")))
   ((= US3 "4") (FillPopUpList "lvl4" '("[select Part Size]" "4.4A" "4.4B" "4.4C")))
   ((= US3 "5") (FillPopUpList "lvl4" '("[select Part Size]" "4.4A" "4.4B" "4.5C")))

(FillPopUpList "lvl1" '("[select Name]" "A-Part" "B-Part" "F-Part" "G-Part" "H-Part"))                ;prepare first pop-up list
(action_tile "lvl1" "(ActL1)")                         ;define associated action on pop-up tile
(action_tile "lvl2" "(ActL2)")
(action_tile "lvl3" "(ActL3)")
(action_tile "insert"
);;; close action_tile

(unload_dialog dcl_id)


);;;; close defun

So far the only prob I got was if after selecting the 4th box, if I go back and change the option in box 1 the others will not reset.


The lists were reset – the only issue is that there isn’t a default selection after that. In order to get an entry in a pop-up list selected after the tile is filled will need to call set_tile with the index of desired entry (as string):

(set_tile "lvl#" "0")


The same, when re-set the second list is a better idea to clear the third-one since his content is obsolete – just call start_list/end_list without fill:

(defun ActL1( / theUserSelection )    ;;;ActL1 is Action on List #1
(setq US1 (get_tile "lvl1"))        ;;;read which entry user selected.  US1 is User Selection for pop_up lst #1
;;;fill second pop-up list with a content related to current selection in first one
 ((= US1 "1") (FillPopUpList "lvl2" '("[select Part Type]" "2.1A" "2.1B" "2.1C")))   
 ((= US1 "2") (FillPopUpList "lvl2" '("[select Part Type]" "2.2A" "2.2B" "2.2C")))
 ((= US1 "3") (FillPopUpList "lvl2" '("[select Part Type]" "2.3A" "2.3B" "2.3C")))
 ((= US1 "4") (FillPopUplist "lvl2" '("[select Part Type]" "2.4A" "2.4B" "2.4c")))
 ((= US1 "5") (FillPopUplist "lvl2" '("[select Part type]" "2.5A" "2.5B" "2.5C")))
)                ;;;close condition

[color=red] (set_tile "lvl2" "0")[/color]

[color=red] (foreach TempTile '("lvl3" "lvl4") (start_list TempTile) (end_list))[/color]

)                ;;;close ActionOnMy1stList function


Another recommendation is to use arguments for done_dialog action – use 1 for OK (Insert in your case) and 0 for Cancel:


(action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)")
(action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)")


This value will be store in "DIASTAT" system variable; use it to test the way used to end the dialog and act accordingly: continue processing or exit routine.


SO msasu, where did you learn to LISP? books, classes or trial and error? I mean you use functions that I can't even find in AutoCAD help topics.

  msasu said:
This value will be store in "DIASTAT" system variable; use it to test the way used to end the dialog and act accordingly: continue processing or exit routine.


It is also returned by (start_dialog).

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