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Volo View docs


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LOL, I didn't either but times are hard. I work for a furniture manufacturer and they are currently trying to print out sub-assembly drawings and keep them in a physical binder.


We have several thousand subs and to keep up with this will be a nightmare. I was working on a vb front-end using the voloview, or truview if thats the new one, with the intention of putting a terminal out where the subs are built giving the guys on the floor access to view drawings.


I was just looking for anything before I started to just guess at the functionality of this control.


If there is a better way to do this that'd be great also.

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Thanks for the links, I have that part of it, I also have the true view as well.


I have not read much about the trueview, does it integrate into vb as a control as well?


I just started looking into this last week so all options are open. Any Ideas on where to find vba (access) + trueview coding samples? Outside of voloview not being supported what are the advantages of using trueview?

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