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Dimension styles - Place text automatically

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Hey all,


Does anyone know of a lisp that goes through all the dimstyles and removes the option "place text manually". I want my measurment to automatically be centered on the dimension, and I frequently work with drawings that have many text styles that have the "place text manually" box checked off in the dimstyle properties.




I had the same problem not too long ago. Try this:


(defun c:fd( / ss eLst)
 (princ "\nSelect dimensions: ")
 (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "DIMENSION"))))
 (if ss
   (foreach forVar (vl-remove nil (mapcar '(lambda (x) (if (= (type (cadr x)) 'ENAME) (cadr x) '())) (ssnamex ss)))
     (setq eLst (entget forVar))
     (setq eLst (subst '(70 . 32) (assoc 70 eLst) eLst))
     (entmod eLst)
     (entupd forVar)
 ); Fix dimensions so text aligns in the center


This is good, but it looks like it takes each individual dimension. Do you know of a way to edit the dimension styles, so that future dimensions you create will automatically be centered?


hmm.. if you go to the modify dimensions window (command: "DIMSTYLE"), modify the one you want then click on the "TEXT" tab, under "Text alignment" (bottom right corner) you should see a radio button. Check to make sure that "Aligned with dimension line" is selected.


I'm afraid I haven't done much with dimension styles, so I think that's the best I can tell you.


I have some similar code provided by alanjt. I have highlighted what i think needs to be changed, but i am admittedly not very good at writing code yet.



(defun C:dmanual ()

(vlax-for x (vla-get-TextStyles

(vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))



(vla-setfont x "ARIAL" :vlax-False :vlax-False 0 32)




I think textstyles needs to be changed to dimstyles, and font x "ARIAL" :vlax-False :vlax-False 0 32 needs to be changed as well, but im not sure to what.


Any insight would be great!




That is what i have been doing, but i have some drawings that have many dimstyles and it is time-consuming to go through the whole list.


I am looking to do it with a lisp, but i do not know the correct vla-set command (does anyone have a list of these commands handy?). Am i correct in assuming i should change "textstyles" to "dimstyles" ?

  RyanAtNelco said:


That is what i have been doing, but i have some drawings that have many dimstyles and it is time-consuming to go through the whole list.


I am looking to do it with a lisp, but i do not know the correct vla-set command (does anyone have a list of these commands handy?). Am i correct in assuming i should change "textstyles" to "dimstyles" ?



This should get you started, can't edit current style (just how it is).


(defun test (#Name / #Style)
 (and (setq #Style (entget (tblobjname "dimstyle" #Name)))
      (entmod (append #Style (list (cons 288 0))))))

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