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I have to create a model of the attached drawing of a spring. I have created springs in inventor before, but nothing of this shape!! Can anyone give me any ideas for doing this?? Please see attached drawing. Thanks in advance.



I don't have Inventor 2008, but looks like you need the 3D sketch intersection of a revolved surface and a helix surface for a Sweep path.



Would there be any possible chance of the part file so i can see eaxactly how you have created it??


Thanks for posting the model up, But as you probably suspected, I can't open that file using the 2008 version of Inventor. So does anyone know how i can create this model using 2008 Pro. Or would it be possible to have the file in a step format so i can place it into my model. I know this is cheating but I'm a bit stumped.


Well cracked it my self. Thanks for help though. Quite straight forward really. I just produced a parallel coil and projected the previous coil diameter and shared the first sketch and placed a tapered coil on the end of the first coil. Works really well.


JD. I dont have inventor in front of me. does it have a variable pitch/diameter helix option like solidworks. It makes this path very easy to draw.


I checked 2010 over lunch and i couldnt find this feature. its a shame because it was a single helix in SW. This coil was a different pitch/diameter for a few turns, then a range of coils to taper down to another diameter at a certain pitch and so on.


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