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Hi, you CAD-fans you :shock:

I made up some 3D model in model space and want a nice lay-out in first angle projection (+ a 4th viewport wit the model in a 3D-overview).

Now for the 3 FAP views, I display the model as 3D hidden. My problem is, that I would like to have the hidden lines displayd as dashed lines (so I can put some dimensions on a pice that ain't visible in the views). I found this system variable "vsobscuredltype" that should do the trick, but even if I get this on value 2, nothing happens in the viewports:cry:. Even if I delete the existing viewports and make new ones or quit ACAD and restart, the vsobscuredltype property value gets back to 1. After changing back to value 2, it still does nothing. :glare:

Some help would be greatly welcome.

Thanks in advance


Have you zoomed in on the lines to see if they may be dashed but the linetypescale is such that you can't see the dashes?



Have you zoomed in on the lines to see if they may be dashed but the linetypescale is such that you can't see the dashes?




Yes, I did and no other lines visible as the non-hidden lines. hidden lines stay,... well,... hidden. I realy want to have them visible and dashed without having to draw all the lines myself...


Thanks anyway.


Other suggestions always welcome :lol:


This was a tough nut to crack but I found the variable you must set prior to changing vsobscuredltype.


VSOBSCUREDEDGES Controls whether obscured (hidden) edges are displayed.

This was a tough nut to crack but I found the variable you must set prior to changing vsobscuredltype.


VSOBSCUREDEDGES Controls whether obscured (hidden) edges are displayed.



You're SOOOO great !!! :shock::shock:

This is it indeed. while setting vsobscurededges to value 1 it just poped on screen like it should. THANKS THANKS THANKS. I must'nt have had the right nut cracker to crack the nut, then :lol:


You're entirely welcomed. And please, try not to get so excited. We don't want you to have a heart attack.


Here's an example of what an object with a 3DHidden visual style looks like with the system variable vsobscurededges set to 1. No change was made to vsobscuredltype (left at default setting of "2" for 3DHidden).




Yep. Only, I cried victory too soon.

Everything is OK in model space, but it don't show in the viewports in paper space (layout). How comes ? vsobscurededges & ltype won't work in layout...

Solution ?


OK, sorry, got it figuered out just now. I had to double click on the viewport and set the parameters again. then it worked.

Sorry and thanks a lot again.

(I didn't sound too excited this time, did I ?) :-)

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