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Redefine blocks


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Gilles's routine is awesome... I am now working to rescale blocks in the Blocks compilation... and rescaleblocks.lsp has became my MUR (most used routine),


I cannot see the end of my task yet.. I am now seeking for a good deal for an 80 GB hard disk to paste my latest downloaded blocks, another 10 GB...


I made a unique compilation directory with about 50 dwg. files cointaining most of the collections compilations and I am trying to finish with letter "A" this weekend. I am at 10% percent done of my total work... I guess I'll get it all done in a few more months.

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  • 3 years later...



I am fairly new to this LISP routine things...but I believe your Edit_Bloc could help me; however when I run it it gives me an error. What I am trying to do is change the layer of attributes within blocks to their own layer because right now both the blocks and the blocks' attributes share the same layer and I would like to be able to turn the attributes on-off by turning on-off the layer they live in. I have found some LISPS that might have been able to fix my problem, but since the MODE to all of my attributes had been set to CONSTANT and since the LISPS I have been testing prompts for blocks to be selected, my attributes do not get selected when I am propted to do it, instead I get a message saying "That block has no editable attributes". Please bare in mind that my blocks have nested blocks ebedded in them and which all have attributes. It is also worth noting that EACH block (around 2500 of them) have 3 out of the sometimes 4 attributes that share the same TAG (there is an extra tag that not all share) these tags are:

SERIES (this is the extra TAG that not all share)

GROUP (shared by all)

ITEM_NUMBER (shared by all)

DIVISION (shared by all)

A fifth TAG, LOCATION, is shared by all blocks but it has it's own layer and different characteristics and I do not need to change anything to it (at least not yet)


Last information you may need to know is that the value to all of these tags may be different.


Any help is greatly appreciated...I have been looking for about 3 weeks now a way to fix this, but everything is pointing to a direction that do not seem smart nor efficient which is editing the blocks one by one :o

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  • 3 years later...

this lisp (rescalblock) work properly only for one reference of block if i have one block scaled to 0.5 it will rescale the definition to 0.5 then put x sacle and y scle to 1

if i have 2 block references it will rescale the two references to 0.5*0.5 =0.25 if ther is n-references in the drawing it will rescale the definition block to 0.5^n


any suggestions to scale the each block definition only one time


thanks in advance

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this lisp (rescalblock) work properly only for one reference of block if i have one block scaled to 0.5 it will rescale the definition to 0.5 then put x sacle and y scle to 1

if i have 2 block references it will rescale the two references to 0.5*0.5 =0.25 if ther is n-references in the drawing it will rescale the definition block to 0.5^n


any suggestions to scale the each block definition only one time


thanks in advance


I have not checked onto this problem with this lisp... but you may use a workaround.... if you have a drawing with multiple diferent blocks and several instances of each block,

1. Identify all block by using a lisp to list all block... like blockreport.lsp

2. Delete all those extra instances for each block or just move them temporarily to another blank drawing, and keep at least one instance of each block in your original drawing. You can do this easily using a lisp to select all blocks in a drawing like sb.lsp

3. run this rescaleblock.lsp and it will work normally.

4. bring back all the blocks from the other drawing were you stored them temporarily.

5. Done!

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