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This might be a simple, silly question so here goes............I have a lot of 2008 dwg files I need to print at an outside printers.............to print they need pdf or jpeg so how do I convert dwg files to pdf? please help

...........thanks in advance..........................mike:cry:


Depending on what AutoCAD version you have, you can try this:



Sorry CadDan... want me to delete my post so you can take it over?


ha. No need for that CadMASTER. You did a better job that I would have, by putting a picture up.


wow...................thankyou for helping and sending this cad master although caddan looks a tad prettier ..............if cad dan is female! or maybe he was?!


also, if all the plots will be the same you can create a page setup and publish them (publish allows you to plot multiple pages at once)


You also may want to look into this product:


What I installed is called CutePDF. Works nice and is free. This works in all applications like MS Office word. See the attached link.


CutePDf Writer - Free Download


thankyou cadmaster chelsea...................I used the 'plot ' page set up as you advised cadmaster however when the pdf comes on screen the overall quality of line and colour is not up to scratch............(i've not printed it out yet) as I need to print on A3 is it best practice to just to find a design studio who have an A3 and print from an autocad file to preserve best qality and detail?..........regards mike


I'd go with Cadmasters suggestion and download CUTEPDF.


It's free and beats the pants of many converters that you have to pay for.


Well I will say that CutePDF is great but if you can afford it, it's hard to beat Acrobat. CutePDF does get the job done.

Depending on what AutoCAD version you have, you can try this:

I actually have been using CUTEPDF all along, and never knew about this. This is faster. Seems like 1 or 2 less steps, and it puts the file in the folder faster in my case. I use 2009LT.

Thank you,




Glad I was able to help you Glenn.

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