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I was ask to setup existing CAD work station at "EESI" with adding PC3, CTB SHX files and print drivers.

as far as SHX file I know I can Just copy and paste in the directory,But PC3 can I just copy & paste in "Plotter manager" and the CTB file in "Plot Style Manager".

As far as the print drivers they are installed, but very one prints different.

I'm using the same driver as my other cad operator but when I print it come up "A" size drawing on "D" and I always have to open the "page setup Name" to get the setting right before printing where the other cad operator just priint and very thing is setup for her.:huh:

Can some one help me!


I would say it's best to have all of those configuations files and such on the network and have each user's station set up to read those files (under the tools > options > files tab) as opposed to copying the files to each computer.


I suppose it may be a good idea to have them copied to each machine as a backup in case the network server crashes too.


Yes. You can copy the print styles and config files to and fro.


And make sure all computers have the printers named the same way. In our case we named it the same, but still had issues with just using the standard Windows printer and ended up creating a .pc3 which fixed the issue. (Well I should say it created issues with the Sheet Set Manager.)


We thought about that, but some don't like the idea, but I would be the best way.

very place I have worked at every thing was setup, but now it is my turn to make sure that things are setup right. never pain much attention CAD swork station setup's.

If it is not for this website, I would be pulling my hair out and thanks again!


some people may not like that idea, so do your damndest to educate them into liking it :)


i believe that anything that is standardised within a CAD environment should be at a location on a server, sharable by all who need to utilise it.


Absolutely. I agree wholeheartedly with that.


I too agree with that, having standards to everything makes it a TON easier to be able to help with other peoples projects. Right now we have 4 people that are using the office standards, and one that has strayed a bit. Got yelled at by him for "screwing up his drawing" when I went to try to help him. this has set forth a meeting to get everyone on the same page now so we don't **** each other off, and we can help out when it is needed without having to spend an eternity to try to figure out how each person has things setup.


as for setting up new CAD stations, we have all of our plotter stuff coming off the server, and a folder with all of our lisp routines, and other items that each workstation needs.


I have been working tirelessly at home to get new CAD standards to eventually work our way into ACA from doing everything 2d. The catalogs and every bit is on the server so that we all can add to our standards, and refresh our palettes to show the new stuffs.


Must agree we run 10x Autocad's all common information is held on our server. Printers, templates, data, lisp and any source menu's etc there is no speed degredation we use in house menu add ons to point to the directories our templates are set up with the various plot sheets pre set A3 A1 pdf so plotting is basicaly 1 click.


Its very easy to go to each seat and update and we have put any customisation for one person to be available to all but others may not be aware of this depending on what it is.


We have a directory called "how to" and promote users to add to it using screen captures to explain. handy when someone is away and you need to know how they did it.


We try to maintain a look and feel about our drawings as well so they are always consistent.


Were about to install 2009 and between this forum and our how to's hopefully it will be quick and painless.

  • 1 month later...

I agree with NB totally; I try to have every thing shared on the network as well.


Some things are a bit more challenging; for instance ,we do share .pc3 and pmp files but with that, it is very easy for 1 user to F**k one up.


So, for that, we have one out there called Custom.pc3 and we try to encourage users to use that for that here and there need.


Also, with a script, you Can overwrite them every night.


Now, if you are going across a WAN, multiple offices, good luck sharing .pc3 files. For the, we have .pc3-OfficeSuffix

So each office has their own copies of the pc3 files.


With new installs, I am a very big fan of a custom profiles

Of course there will be a few paths that point to the user;s local drive, therefore, you need to address that after the fact.

Again, that is something a script can handle.


A matter of fact, you can script all of the Support Paths to the registry if you so desire; either way, I think it is good to have a company profile. If the case that you need to change paths for everyone, you know which profile to write to with the script.




It is always good to see how other CAD Managers handle cui Main verses enterprise.


I strongly encourage customization as I would never want anyone to prevent me from doing so. However, I don't like some one screwing with something that can stop production; therefore I want to find a good/efficient way for the users to take advantage of The Custom.cui as I do for myself.


This can also be handled with profile switches and a simple tool bar, palette, whatever you use.

Perhaps, this can be a topic of it's own.




I also agree. This is the way I do it here. We have 11 stations and they all use the same support files. When we need to update or change a setting we change one and they all have the update. It makes life so much easier.


Hey f

I am curious as to how you do it?

So, if you move a resource, let's say your plotstyles to a different folder; do youu run a script that updates all profiles with that new path?



Hey f

I am curious as to how you do it?

So, if you move a resource, let's say your plotstyles to a different folder; do youu run a script that updates all profiles with that new path?




Well that's the trick on that situation. I have yet to move any folders here. Now if I add a plot style to the shared folder, everyone will get it when they print. If I update a shared tool palette they all get it on restart. There might be a way. Maybe someone else can chime in on that one. I just don't move folders once set up. I guess it the acheles heel for this method. ;)


Hey F


Well that's the trick on that situation. I have yet to move any folders here. Now if I add a plot style to the shared folder, everyone will get it when they print. If I update a shared tool palette they all get it on restart. There might be a way. Maybe someone else can chime in on that one. I just don't move folders once set up. I guess it the acheles heel for this method. ;)


I'm not totally sure what you are saying, I'm sorry.

Yes, we also share the plot styles, so I do understand that one.

Do you have all of the palettes in one folder also?

I'm sorry, when you say, there might be a way; what is it that you are looking for?


I have VB Script that I wrote sometime back (.vbs file) that you can use to updates all user's paths, it writes the path info straight to their registry. All you would need to know is what profile to write to.


Is that what you were asking?



  • 1 month later...

I would be interested in your VB script ML. I am in the process of incorporating a CAD standard with the company I work for. Unfortunately, I work for a company that has three satellite offices, all with their own servers, the only thing that links all of us together is our intranet which is driven by Sharepoint


Yes I would be interested in your script file and anyway to make my job easier.

I got a list of improvements that I would like to make if only it was not for our budget.

So that's why I rely on fellow CAD friends. If you were all of you that use its website with tips, ideas, custom lisp files and scripts I would be balled from pulling my hair out. I would like to thank everyone.

Any help would be greatfull.

I am looking for someone that is freelancing on programming “he VBA”.

I have a few programs I'd like to create if anyone is interested.

"pay it forward" you know, like the movie!


Hi every one,

OK, I can certainly post the script.


I have posted it before but it was created to write to the active profile; that is the profile that you set current before closing ACAD..


I can certainly post that one again but that can be pain, "if", someone is using a different profile.


So, I can re write it to write to a specific profile; I think that will be best, for now.


So, let me tweak that, then I will post it.


In the future, I may expound to make it write to all system profiles, that would be a good one, I think.


OK, please give me a few hours, may be a day to tweak it.








I feel your pain man.

I worked in a situation like that; we had several offices but it was the same thing, each office had a server of its own.


It is not efficient to have people access resources via a wan, so we would need to duplicate every thing on each server, unfortunately.


Has your company looked into any file replication initiatives, like River Bed? It can be costly but well worth it.


If all of the work on the server is to replicated (in intervals of time) to each respective server, then you would have all of the resources being copied to/from each office.


There may be some scripting ways to copy files from one server to another but that is something that I have not looked into.

I certainly would, if I were an IT/CAD Manager, managing multiple servers




OK Guys

I completed the script that will write all of the ACAD paths to the specified profile, in the registry.

I tested it, it looks like it is working well


'The below code, needs to be copied to a text file, then do a saves and save it as a .vbs file. Then you can double click the .vbs (vbscript) file to execute it. 
'The code will write your ACAD paths directly to the registry, but ACAD needs to first be closed so that the paths can be updated.
'DO NOT run the script unless you have first made sure that all of the paths in the script match the paths that you need. 
'Also, I would recommend making a profile called "Test" to test this the code on.
'Once you get the desired result, then you can write to the actual profile
Dim WshNetwork, WshShell
Dim Curver, Locale, Cprofile
Dim Cpath, Gpath, GCpath, ECpath
'Adjust arrays for each additional path
Dim Gvnames(7), GCvnames(2), ECvnames(4), ACAD
Dim Gvpaths(7), GCvpaths(2), ECvpaths(4)
Dim Gcount, GCcount, ECcount, Gacadcount
Dim DataPath, Profpath, Username

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Username = WshNetwork.Username

'Put the path to where your resource files are located.
'If your path is local, then keep the variable " & Username & " in the path.
DataPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & Username & "\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2009\R17.2\enu"

'This reads the currently installed and last accessed (i.e.R17.2) version of AutoCAD
Curver = WshShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\Curver")

'There is an additional value (i.e.ACAD-7001:409) under that registry key, it is unique and must be grabbed from here, in order to get 'the location of the profile
Locale = WshShell.RegRead("HKCU\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\" & Curver & "\Curver")

'Profile Path
'Replace Test with your profile name. Use <<Unnamed Profile>> if your profile is an un named profile
Profpath = "HKCU\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\" & Curver & "\" & Locale & "\Profiles\Test"

Gpath = Profpath & "\General\"

GCpath = Profpath & "\General Configuration\"

ECpath = Profpath & "\Editor Configuration\"

'Registry                                       'ACAD
'General ValueNames (ACAD)
ACAD = "ACAD"                                  'Support File Search Paths

'General ValueNames
Gvnames(0) = "PrinterConfigDir"                'Printer Configuration Search Path
Gvnames(1) = "PrinterDescDir"                  'Printer Description File Search Path
Gvnames(2) = "PrinterStyleSheetDir"            'Plot Style Table Search Path
Gvnames(3) = "TemplatePath"                    'DrawingTemplateFileLocation
Gvnames(4) = "SheetSetTemplatePath"            'SheetSetTemplateFileLocation
Gvnames(5) = "QnewTemplate"                    'DefaultTemplateFileNameforQNew
Gvnames(6) = "AVEMAPS"                         'TextureMapSearchPath

'General ValuePaths
Gvpaths(0) = DataPath & "\Plotters"            'Printer Configuration Search Path
Gvpaths(1) = DataPath & "\Plotters\PMP Files"  'Printer Description File Search Path
Gvpaths(2) = DataPath & "\Plot Styles"         'Plot Style Table Search Path
Gvpaths(3) = DataPath & "\template"            'DrawingTemplateFileLocation
Gvpaths(4) = DataPath & "\template"            'SheetSetTemplateFileLocation
'Put your template in place of aec_i.dwt
Gvpaths(5) = DataPath & "\aec_i.dwt"           'DefaultTemplateFileNameforQNew
Gvpaths(6) = DataPath & "\Textures"            'TextureMapSearchPath

'General Config ValueNames
GCvnames(0) = "PlotSpoolerDirectory"           'Print Spooler File Location
GCvnames(1) = "TempDirectory"                  'TemporaryDrawingFileLocation

'General Config ValuePaths
GCvpaths(0) = "C:\temp"                        'Print Spooler File Location
GCvpaths(1) = "C:\temp"                        'TemporaryDrawingFileLocation

'Editor Config ValueNames
ECvnames(0) = "EmergencyFont"                  'Alternate File Font"
ECvnames(1) = "FontMappingFile"                'Font Mapping File
ECvnames(2) = "SaveFilePath"                   'AutomaticSaveFileLocation
ECvnames(3) = "XrefLoadPath"                   'TemporaryExternalReferenceFileLocation

'Editor Config ValuePaths
ECvpaths(0) = "simplex.shx"                    'Alternate File Font"
ECvpaths(1) = DataPath & "\support\acad.fmp"   'Font Mapping File
ECvpaths(2) = "C:\temp"                        'AutomaticSaveFileLocation
ECvpaths(3) = "C:\temp"                        'TemporaryExternalReferenceFileLocation

'Write Value Names and Paths to the registy

'General ValuePaths (ACAD) 'Suppot Paths
'Amend path with you respective ACAD version, as shown in the directory.
WshShell.RegWrite Gpath & ACAD, _
"C:\Documents and Settings\" & Username & "\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2009\R17.2\enu\Support" & ";" & _
"C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2009\support" & ";" & _
"C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2009\fonts" & ";" & _
"C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2009\help" & ";" & _
"C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2009\express" & ";" & _
"C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2009\support\color" & ";" & _
"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Land" & ";" & _
"C:\Documents and Settings\" & Username & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk\R16.2\enu\Support" & ";" _
'custom path ";" & _
'custom path ";" & _
'custom path ";"

'Adjust arrays for each additional path

'General ValuePaths
For Gcount = 0 To 7
 WshShell.RegWrite Gpath & Gvnames(Gcount), Gvpaths(Gcount)

'General Config ValuePaths
For GCcount = 0 To 2
 WshShell.RegWrite GCpath & GCvnames(GCcount), GCvpaths(GCcount)

'Editor Config ValuePaths
For ECcount = 0 To 4
  WshShell.RegWrite ECpath & ECvnames(ECcount), ECvpaths(ECcount)


If you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask.


It may also be a good idea to export your profiles to a temp. location, Incase you need to restore it.


Good Luck

Hope it helps!




Hey Guys


I posted the script


Anyone going to use it or what?




Thanks ML! I was out of the office all last week as I was in SolidWorks training. Give me a few days to get caught up on things and I will try the script out & get back with you.


Hey Scooby,

No problem and YW!


Yes, please let me know how it works for you

If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask.


Again, my only recommendation is to just make a profile called Test and mess with that one until you feel comfortable.


Also, if you go to that path (in the script) in the registry; after you run the script, hit refresh and you will see the path update after the script is ran.


Also, ACAD must be closed prior to running it, if ACAD is open and you run it, the paths will get overwritten once ACAD is closed, with the current paths set in ACAD.


Did that make sense? : )


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