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Hi to all,


Good Day, I have some old Lisp route the will shade on round plan or symbol by a ramp up on plan, kindly see the image:


(defun c:shd ()(setq old_error  *error* *error* ai_error)
(setq cecho (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)(command "_.UNDO" "_GROUP")
(initget (+ 1 2 )(setq fpt (getpoint "\nStarting Point of Shade ? "))
(initget (+ 1 2 )(setq spt (getpoint "\nEnd Point of Line Shade ? " fpt))
(initget (+ 1 2 )(setq opt (getpoint "\nDirection of Line Shade ? " fpt))
(setq dis (abs (distance fpt opt)))(setq hmany 1000)
(command "line" fpt spt "")(setq flc (entlast))
(setq coeff (/ dis 1000))(repeat hmany
(if (< (* coeff 1.25) dis)(progn (setq coeff (* coeff 1.25))
(command "offset" coeff flc opt "")
(prompt (strcat "\rDRAWING IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT... "
(rtos (* (/ (float (* coeff 1.24))(float dis))100.000) 2 0)" %")) )))
(command "_.UNDO" "_E")(setvar "cmdecho" cecho)(princ))


the image "1" represent the route that i have, on image "2" is the one i need to be revised by it means, i like to be have this route "image 2" that i will use on circular to rectangular connection symbol it will be perfect on gredient deviding a line, please help me if you have some additional/revised to this route,


thanks to all



Like this:


(defun c:shd  (/ old_error *error* cecho fpt
                spt opt dis ang hmany flc)
 (setq old_error *error*
       *error*   ai_error)
 (setq cecho (getvar "cmdecho"))
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (command "_.UNDO" "_GROUP")
 (initget (+ 1 2 )
 (setq fpt (getpoint "\nStarting Point of Shade ? "))
 (initget (+ 1 2 )
 (setq spt (getpoint "\nEnd Point of Line Shade ? " fpt))
 (initget (+ 1 2 )
 (setq opt (getpoint "\nDirection of Line Shade ? " fpt))
 (setq dis (abs (distance fpt opt)))
 (setq ang (angle fpt opt))
 (setq hmany 1000)
 (command "line" fpt spt "")
 (setq flc (entlast))
 (setq coeff (/ dis 1000.))
 (repeat hmany
   (if (< (setq coeff (* coeff 1.25)) dis)
       (command "_line" "_non" fpt "_non" (polar spt ang coeff) "")
       (princ (strcat "\rDRAWING IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT... "
                      (rtos (* (/ (* coeff 1.24) dis) 100.) 2 0) "%")))))
 (command "_.UNDO" "_E")
 (setvar "cmdecho" cecho)




very fast, :shock: its perfect


many thanks Lee

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