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Okay Guys I have another one some what similar to the last one maybe easier to figure out. When I loft there are these flat surfaces that are forming once the angle becomes more steep. I dont want these. I want it to be a smooth transition. I am also getting bulges on the sides. Ultimately I want to use thin feature command but because of the flat surfaces it is making it have no thickness at the flat parts. I am stuck.




Sketch Loft.jpg


can you attach your drawing here? This is kinda what you are talking about.



Here is the file there are Outer Sketches which I only made if the thin feature command would not work because then I would do a loft and a loft cut. So they can be ignored. Any questions just ask.


Solid Model.zip


with your shape you really need to have guide curves at each corner. I think that will be the key to getting this shape.


i created 4 guide curves for the corners(just splines that snapped to your solid). and lofted it using only those for guides. If you need to get your exact curves i recommend that you use the curves button and project your curves to the corner. You can do an intersection curve which is probably the best.



i just noticed that your guide curves are made up of a bunch of straight lines. Is this done for a reason? I made some extruded surfaces from your guide curves and used them as trim tools to get this but because your guide curves were just straight lines the result is "jagged".



How exactly did you make those guides Because the Solid does not represent the exact model that I need. and there is a jump at the flat portions on the model?


No, they should actually be curves.


Wow I got it. All I did was make those guide curve sketches curves and presto it made it exactly how I wanted it. Thanks you for your help. That was awesome.




i would have responded faster but my computer is giving me trouble today. Yeah i just made those guide curves splines and got the loft with no issues as well. Glad it worked out.



Now I just need to fix my sweeping issue

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