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How to get info about LWPolyline using VBA?

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When you enter list and select a lwpolyline you get a lot of information as; bulge, center, radius, start angle, end angle etc.


How can I get this information from a selected object using vba? Is it possible?


I know that you can calculate this information, but is there a more simple way? :) Or does anyone know of some example code?


Below you will find the code I got so far:


Any help is highly apreciated!

// Marcus




ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity oEnt, vPick, vbCr & "Select object:"

If TypeOf oEnt Is AcadLWPolyline Then

Dim MyLWPolyline As AcadLWPolyline
Set MyLWPolyline = oEnt

For lCounter = 0 To lNumberOfCoordinates
dNewCoordinates(lCounter) = MyLWPolyline.Coordinates(lCounter)
dNewCoordinatesBulge(lCoordpairCounter) = MyLWPolyline.GetBulge(lCoordpairCounter)
end if


What are you trying to do rather than just getting info re lwpolyline? Someone may have already done it.

What are you trying to do rather than just getting info re lwpolyline? Someone may have already done it.


You are probably right! Im sure someone already have done this,

but anyway. Im trying to convert a LWPolyline with arcs, to a polyline whitout arcs (several straight lines instead). And I want to be able to select how many lines (sectors) within the arc to use, depending on the bulge and radie. And I have actually suceeded! Whith a lot of math!


Thanks anyway!

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