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I am searching for a deck plan in AutoCad. I have a plan done, but I don't know if I have included all of the required details to get it qouted. I figure I can look at a couple of complete plans and adjust what I have missed.


Here's where I am at so far...


As always I appreciate all help and feedback:)

deck1.dwgFetching info...


Well it always helps to have a plan and elevation view but I feel you're lacking some detail. I've done a couple of small decks and in each case I had to provide details for footings/piers, the ledger board, a section through the stairs and one through the handrail. Also, everything had to be labeled such as the size and type of wood (2x8 pressure treated), special fasteners (Strong Tie type xxx), screw size and type (stainless steel Torx screws for a deck made of ipe), etc. Don't forget such things as a dimensioned drawing of the deck framing and all dimensions relative to railing heights, spacing on the spindles, as well as the stair treads and risers. It is, of course, all up to the local building department offical and what meets the department's minimum requirements. That's usually the very first place to start. Oh yes, one more thing, each time I was also asked to submit a plot plan showing the relationship of the house to the property and indicating the location of the new deck.


Here is an example of a ledger detail I did for one deck.




Here's an example of a pier location plan.




And here is a deck framing plan for another residence.





Thanks for the feedback and taking the time!


You're entirely welcomed beavis123. Be sure to stop in at your local building department and ask for their requirements. It will save you time and eventually a lot of headaches.

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