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Hi all,


I'm using Map 3D to import a large number of .shp files to set up my base file. The issue I have is all the objects come in with a layer color of "white". It's really hard to have any idea what layer an object is on by looking at the drawing.


My thought was a LISP that would assign a color to each layer perhaps just the first six colors. It would end up looking something like the following...


BLDG_1695_1160C -- Color 1

Default_BASEBALL -- Color 2

Default_BASEBALL_FUTURE -- Color 3

Default_BLDG_1695_1155A -- Color 4

Default_BLDG_1695_1155B -- Color 5

Default_BLDG_1695_1160B -- Color 6

Default_BLDG_1695_1160C -- Color 1

Default_BOUNDARY -- Color 2

Default_CENTERROW -- Color 3

Default_CONINDEXDES -- Color 4

Default_CONINTERDES -- Color 5

Default_CONTEXTDES -- Color 6

Default_ESMT -- Color 1

Default_EXEDGPVMT -- Color 2

Is there a LISP that will assign a different color to the layers?


Thanks in advance




Do you want a random color or a predetermined color?


The following will assign a different color (in order from 1-255) to each layer. If you want a random color, there is a random number generator in lisp here. If you want a specific color per layer, then you will have to set up some sort of mapping list so it will know what color to use for each layer.


(defun C:Lcolor ( / c x)
 (setq c 1)
   (vla-get-Layers (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
   (vla-put-Color x c)
   (if (eq c 255)
     (setq c 1)
     (setq c (1+ c))


Try this. All layers in the list must be unlocked and unfrozen.


(defun c:layd(/ Lst curLay fLst laySet)
 (setq Lst (list
'("BLDG_1695_1160C" 1)
'("Default_BASEBALL" 2)
'("Default_BASEBALL_FUTURE" 3)
'("Default_BLDG_1695_1155A" 4)
'("Default_BLDG_1695_1155B" 5)
'("Default_BLDG_1695_1160B" 6)
'("Default_BLDG_1695_1160C" 1)
'("Default_BOUNDARY" 2)
'("Default_CENTERROW" 3)
'("Default_CONINDEXDES"	4)
'("Default_CONINTERDES" 5)
'("Default_CONTEXTDES" 6)
'("Default_ESMT" 1)
'("Default_EXEDGPVMT" 2)
); end list
); end setq


 (foreach lay Lst
  (setq curLay(vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-Item
		  (vlax-get-acad-object)))(car lay))))))
(vla-put-Color curLay(cadr lay))
(setq fLst(list(cons 8(vla-get-Name curLay))))
  (setq laySet(ssget "_X" fLst))
    (foreach itm
	     (mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object 
                      (vl-remove-if 'listp 
                        (mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex laySet))))
      (vla-put-Color itm acByLayer)
    ); end foreach
  ); end if
); end progn
   ); end progn
 ); end if
); end foreach
 ); end of c:layd

  • 4 months later...

insted of color to layer can we attach material name to particular layer then render by using lisp


> shamsam1


Has read your PM:


(defun c:pumat(/ Lst sSet mLst cMat sCnt lCnt mCnt eCnt)

 (setq Lst (list
       '("0" "Global")
       '("Layer1" "Material 1")
       '("Layer2" "Material 2")
     ); end list
           ); end setq

(if(setq sSet(ssget "_X" '((0 . "*SOLID"))))
   (setq sCnt 0 lCnt 0)
   (vlax-for mat (vla-get-Materials
     (setq mLst(cons(vla-get-Name mat)mLst))
     ); end vlax-for
   (foreach itm
       (mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object 
         (vl-remove-if 'listp 
           (mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex sSet))))
      (if(setq cMat
		    (setq cLay(vla-get-Layer itm))Lst)))
	(if(member cMat mLst)
	       (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-Material
		 (list itm cMat)))
	    (setq lCnt(1+ lCnt))
	    (setq sCnt(1+ sCnt))
	    ); end if
	  (if(not(member cMat mCnt))
	   (setq mCnt(cons cMat mCnt))
	    ); end if
	  ); end if
	(if(not(member cLay eCnt))
	  (setq eCnt(cons cLay eCnt))
	  ); end if
       );end if
    ); end foreach
   (if(or(/= 0 lCnt)(/= 0(length mCnt))(/= 0(length eCnt)))
(princ "\n========================= ERROR LIST =========================\n")
(if(/= 0(length mCnt))
    (princ "\nFollowing materials missed in drawing: \n")
    (foreach mat mCnt
      (princ(strcat "\n " mat))
      ); end foreach
    (princ "\n")
    ); end progn
  ); end if
      (if(/= 0(length eCnt))
    (princ "\nSome solid layers missed in list: \n")
    (foreach lay eCnt
      (princ(strcat "\n " lay))
      ); end foreach
    (princ "\n")
    ); end progn
  ); end if
 (if(/= 0 lCnt)
   (princ(strcat "\n" (itoa lCnt) " were on locked layer!\n"))
  ); end if
(princ "\n========================== END LIST ==========================\n")
); end progn
     ); end if
     	(princ(strcat "\n<<< Materials are appropriated for "
	      (itoa sCnt) " of "
	      (itoa(sslength sSet)) " solids >>>"))
   ); end progn
 (princ "\n<!> No Solids Found <!> ")
 ); end if
 ); end of c:pumat


You have 3/4 done it maybe a script will do



Color 1 BLDG_1695_1160C

Color 2 Default_BASEBALL


Color 4 Default_BLDG_1695_1155A

etc etc

Default_BLDG_1695_1155B -- Color 5

Default_BLDG_1695_1160B -- Color 6




Last guy want to attach materials to solids on certain layers, can you make it with script?




Thanks for ur reply.While running the script the folowing error is displaying,


error: no function definition: VLA-GET-MATERIALS


Can u help in resolving this.





Oops! :?


Exuse me. Please add (vl-load-com) expressions to begin or end of file. VLA-functions don't work without it. Or copy listing one more time. I just add it.


after adding (vl-load-com) at the begning still i am getting same error..

my knowlede of lisp is nill


this is where i have modified


(defun c:pumat(/ Lst sSet mLst cMat sCnt lCnt mCnt eCnt)


(setq Lst (list

'("Layer1" "APE BUMP")


); end list

); end setq



VLA-GET-MATERIALS is error i get again


I think Mechanical 2000 is a reason :( That's a pity, but I can't test it with this Autodesk product. I know that Object Model of Autodesk Mechanical has the big distinctions from plane AutoCAD or ADT. But I try to help you. Please type in command line (vl-load-com), than copy to command line:




Press F2 and get long list of properties and methods of Mechanical 2000 document like this (from plane 2008 ).


Command: (vl-load-com)

Command: (vlax-dump-object(vla-get-ActiveDocument(vlax-get-acad-object))t)

; IAcadDocument: An AutoCAD drawing
; Property values:
;   Active (RO) = -1
;   ActiveDimStyle = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDimStyle 0785c98c>
;   ActiveLayer = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayer 0785c9dc>
;   ActiveLayout = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayout 0785c89c>
;   ActiveLinetype = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLineType 0785c93c>
;   ActiveMaterial = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMaterial 0785c84c>
;   ActivePViewport = AutoCAD: No active viewport in paperspace
;   ActiveSelectionSet (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadSelectionSet 0784fb1c>
;   ActiveSpace = 1
;   ActiveTextStyle = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadTextStyle 0785ca2c>
;   ActiveUCS = AutoCAD: Null object ID
;   ActiveViewport = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadViewport 0785ca7c>
;   Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00d73d3c>
;   Blocks (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadBlocks 0785cacc>
;   Database (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDatabase 0784fbdc>
;   Dictionaries (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDictionaries 0785cb1c>
;   DimStyles (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDimStyles 0785cb6c>
;   ElevationModelSpace = 0.0
;   ElevationPaperSpace = 0.0
;   FileDependencies (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadFileDependencies 02105024>
;   FullName (RO) = ""
;   Groups (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadGroups 0785cbbc>
;   Height = 776
;   HWND (RO) = 66802
;   Layers (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayers 0785cc0c>
;   Layouts (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLayouts 0785cc5c>
;   Limits = (0.0 0.0 420.0 297.0)
;   Linetypes (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadLineTypes 0785ccac>
;   Materials (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadMaterials 0785ccfc>
;   ModelSpace (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadModelSpace2 0785cd4c>
;   MSpace = AutoCAD: Invalid mode
;   Name (RO) = "Drawing1.dwg"
;   ObjectSnapMode = 0
;   PaperSpace (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPaperSpace2 0785cd9c>
;   Path (RO) = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Alexander\\My Documents"
;   PickfirstSelectionSet (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadSelectionSet 0784fe1c>
;   Plot (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPlot 02104ec4>
;   PlotConfigurations (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadPlotConfigurations 0785cdec>
;   Preferences (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDatabasePreferences 02105204>
;   ReadOnly (RO) = 0
;   RegisteredApplications (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadRegisteredApplications 
;   Saved (RO) = -1
;   SectionManager (RO) = Exception occurred
;   SelectionSets (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadSelectionSets 0214c4e4>
;   SummaryInfo (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadSummaryInfo 02105394>
;   TextStyles (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadTextStyles 0785ce8c>
;   UserCoordinateSystems (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadUCSs 0785cedc>
;   Utility (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadUtility 0783fe6c>
;   Viewports (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadViewports 0785cf2c>
;   Views (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadViews 0785cf7c>
;   Width = 1558
;   WindowState = 3
;   WindowTitle (RO) = "Drawing1.dwg"
; Methods supported:
;   Activate ()
;   AuditInfo (1)
;   Close (2)
;   CopyObjects (3)
;   EndUndoMark ()
;   Export (3)
;   GetVariable (1)
;   HandleToObject (1)
;   Import (3)
;   LoadShapeFile (1)
;   New (1)
;   ObjectIdToObject (1)
;   Open (2)
;   PurgeAll ()
;   Regen (1)
;   Save ()
;   SaveAs (3)
;   SendCommand (1)
;   SetVariable (2)
;   StartUndoMark ()
;   Wblock (2)


Please publish this list I need to look it.


for testing i am using autcad2000


Command: (vl-load-com)

Command: (vlax-dump-object(vla-get-ActiveDocument(vlax-get-acad-object))t)

; IAcadDocument: An AutoCAD drawing

; Property values:

; Active (RO) = -1

; ActiveDimStyle = #

; ActiveLayer = #

; ActiveLayout = #

; ActiveLinetype = #

; ActivePViewport = AutoCAD: No active viewport in paperspace

; ActiveSelectionSet (RO) = #

; ActiveSpace = 1

; ActiveTextStyle = #

; ActiveUCS = #

; ActiveViewport = #

; Application (RO) = #

; Blocks (RO) = #

; Database (RO) = #

; Dictionaries (RO) = #

; DimStyles (RO) = #

; ElevationModelSpace = 0.0

; ElevationPaperSpace = 0.0

; FullName (RO) = ""

; Groups (RO) = #

; Height = 564

; HWND (RO) = 198838

; Layers (RO) = #

; Layouts (RO) = #

; Limits = (0.0 0.0 12.0 9.0)

; Linetypes (RO) = #

; ModelSpace (RO) = #

; MSpace = AutoCAD: Invalid mode

; Name (RO) = "Drawing1.dwg"

; ObjectSnapMode = 0

; PaperSpace (RO) = #

; Path (RO) = "D:"

; PickfirstSelectionSet (RO) = #

; Plot (RO) = #

; PlotConfigurations (RO) = #

; Preferences (RO) = #

; ReadOnly (RO) = 0

; RegisteredApplications (RO) = #


; Saved (RO) = 0

; SelectionSets (RO) = #

; TextStyles (RO) = #

; UserCoordinateSystems (RO) = #

; Utility (RO) = #

; Viewports (RO) = #

; Views (RO) = #

; Width = 978

; WindowState = 3

; WindowTitle (RO) = "Drawing1"

; Methods supported:

; Activate ()

; AuditInfo (1)

; Close (2)

; CopyObjects (3)

; EndUndoMark ()

; Export (3)

; GetVariable (1)

; HandleToObject (1)

; Import (3)

; LoadShapeFile (1)

; New (1)

; ObjectIdToObject (1)

; Open (1)

; PurgeAll ()

; Regen (1)

; Save ()

; SaveAs (2)

; SendCommand (1)

; SetVariable (2)

; StartUndoMark ()

; Wblock (2)


That is weird. 'Materials' collection and 'ActiveMateial' properties missed :? I don't know how to help you :( You can open Developer Help>ActiveX andVBA Refference>Properties and try to find 'Materials property'. If it is I want to look owner objects. Like in usual Autocad:


Returns the materials collection for the database.

See Also | Example



Database, Document

The object or objects to which this property applies.


AcadMaterials; input-only


  • 4 weeks later...

Please help me to combine 2 lisp program and make it one.


Adding materials and adding color lisp program i want to combine.


Please guide me regarding this

  • 3 weeks later...
Please help me to combine 2 lisp program and make it one.


Adding materials and adding color lisp program i want to combine.


Please guide me regarding this


There is. Last member of each member of list 'Lst' is a color (0 - 255).


(defun c:pumc(/ actDoc Lst sSet mLst cMat sCnt l
      Cnt mCnt eCnt cCol *error*)

 (setq Lst (list
       '("0" "Global" 4)
       '("Layer1" "Material 1" 1)
       '("Layer2" "Material 2" 6)
     ); end list
           ); end setq

 (defun *error*(msg)
    (if actDoc(vla-EndUndoMark actDoc))
   ); end of error*

(if(setq sSet(ssget "_X" '((0 . "*SOLID"))))
   (setq sCnt 0 lCnt 0)
   (vlax-for mat (vla-get-Materials
           (setq actDoc
     (setq mLst(cons(vla-get-Name mat)mLst))
     ); end vlax-for
  (vla-StartUndoMark actDoc)
   (foreach itm
       (mapcar 'vlax-ename->vla-object 
         (vl-remove-if 'listp 
           (mapcar 'cadr(ssnamex sSet))))
      (if(setq cMat
		    (setq cLay(vla-get-Layer itm))Lst)))
	(if(member cMat mLst)
	       (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-Material
		 (list itm cMat)))
	    (setq lCnt(1+ lCnt))
	    (setq sCnt(1+ sCnt))
	    ); end if
	  (if(not(member cMat mCnt))
	   (setq mCnt(cons cMat mCnt))
	    ); end if
	  ); end if
	(if(not(member cLay eCnt))
	  (setq eCnt(cons cLay eCnt))
	  ); end if
       );end if
      (if(setq cCol
	     (setq cLay(vla-get-Layer itm))Lst)))
      (vl-catch-all-apply 'vla-put-Color
	(list itm cCol))) nil
   ); end if
 ); end if
    ); end foreach
   (vla-EndUndoMark actDoc)
   (if(or(/= 0 lCnt)(/= 0(length mCnt))(/= 0(length eCnt)))
(princ "\n========================= ERROR LIST =========================\n")
(if(/= 0(length mCnt))
    (princ "\nFollowing materials missed in drawing: \n")
    (foreach mat mCnt
      (princ(strcat "\n " mat))
      ); end foreach
    (princ "\n")
    ); end progn
  ); end if
      (if(/= 0(length eCnt))
    (princ "\nSome solid layers missed in list: \n")
    (foreach lay eCnt
      (princ(strcat "\n " lay))
      ); end foreach
    (princ "\n")
    ); end progn
  ); end if
 (if(/= 0 lCnt)
   (princ(strcat "\n" (itoa lCnt) " were on locked layer!\n"))
  ); end if
(princ "\n========================== END LIST ==========================\n")
); end progn
     ); end if
     	(princ(strcat "\n<<< Materials and colors are attached for "
	      (itoa sCnt) " of "
	      (itoa(sslength sSet)) " solids >>>"))
   ); end progn
 (princ "\n<!> No Solids Found <!> ")
 ); end if
 ); end of c:pumc


It can't work in 2005. I don't know in how version Materials collection becomes accessible to Visual LISP. Maybe in 2007 (R 17.0)?

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