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  1. Hello everyone, I was just wondering how you guys organize your LISP routines. I currently have a file structure that looks like this. \AutoLisp ----\lib --------\libs --------\...All My Lee-Mac files, thanks LEE :D --------\lisp-loader.lsp (basically loads all the LEE-MAC routine so that I can use it in my LSP) ----\LM_functions --------\...basically other Lee-Mac functions that are way too big by themselves. ----\MA_functions --------\...my functions basically ----\NUMCOUNT.lsp (my own version of numeric counting for blocks, and multileaders) ----\...other projects basically ----\MA-load-lisp.lsp (loads my MA_functions) Basically, for every major project that I have, by themselves without external loading of scripts that I use, the lsp file reaches thousands of lines of code. Also, this way, the codes are easier to manage and can be verified individually. In each project, I start with: (vl-load-com) (load (findfile "lisp-loader.lsp")) (load (findfile "MA-load-lisp.lsp")) Looking at MA-load-lisp, here's what it looks like: (defun MA-load-lisp (/ lisp lisppath lisplist count) (setq lisppath "~~AutoLISP\\MA_functions\\") (setq lisplist (vl-directory-files lisppath "*.lsp" 1)) (setq count (length lisplist)) (foreach lisp lisplist (if (load (strcat lisppath lisp)) (princ (strcat lisp " has been loaded.\n")) (princ (strcat lisp " didn't load.\n")) ) ;end if ) ;end foreach (princ (strcat "There are " (itoa count) " pre-loaded scripts from " lisppath ".\n") ) (princ) ); end function (MA-load-lisp); and, run this function the ~~ at the 2nd line is just short for C:\\---- to wherever the folder is. However, here's the deal, whenever I load the scripts using APPLOAD, AutoCAD 2020 prompts a security check for each of the files. I already have this folder \AutoLISP in the Support File Search Path and Trusted Locations in the Options Menu of AutoCAD. I can't seem to find a way to get around this. Do I need to digitally sign each lsp file?
  2. Hi there! I've watched this tutorial and have a few questions: 1. how can I load the full project in the current drawing from Visual Studio Code? Currently, I'm able to only attach the currently opened lsp file and have to load the other manually, one by one. In the visual lisp editor, there was a button to load all the files inside the project. I have a big project divided into a few files that also load an opendcl interface and I need to load them all to debug the whole program or it will not work. 2. how can I compile in fas from vscode? Probably is not possible so I have to use the original visual lisp editor. But how can I load it now? The vlisp command starts the vscode and I don't know how to start the old editor. Thanks! Dennis
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