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Found 6 results

  1. Good evening everyone, id like to insert attribute block to my drawing file and copy it when selecting multiple line , thanks in advance
  2. Hii all...I found a multiline polyline lisp from online, its gonna ask how many line and their offset distance...but its assigning layer automatically, can anyone do the changes so it will ask which layer I want to choose for my each line and it should automatically take the linetype as by layer...if I am choosing even no. of line, then the path I am drawing its automatically think that as center line and offset the distance, can anyone makes changes so it will make one line in my drawn path and ask me in which side I want to allocate how many line... multi line.lsp
  3. Good day Everyone, I have an old topic here where I wanted to visualize my lisp routines into drop down menus. I have succeeded in developing an excel sheet to automate the process of adding and removing items into my menus without any hassle or any typing mistakes. However, I am stuck in a small portion of my lisp routines where I would like to call a specific command loaded from a .VLX file into my big .LSP routine. To be more clear, I have the following setup: Excel Sheet has all my data with all commands with their relative routines needed to exist in mylisp.lsp Same excel sheet has the hierarchy of the drop down menu. Each menu item is connected the commands above by calling the command with a simple macro. So far, all my lisp routines consists of native autocad commands which I do not face any issue with them so far. Last menu with last set of lisp routines should consist of simple and native commands combined with an external command loaded from .VLX file. every time I try to include this command loaded from the .VLX into another .LSP file, it can not be loaded and I can not pass any parameter to it as well. Let me show simple example: This is the routine which includes only native autocad commands: BlockName contains 7 different attributes (Some Text). (DEFUN C:EBMSS () (COMMAND "INSERT" "BlockName" "S" "1" "R" "0" (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify insertion point: ")) "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text" ) (COMMAND "LAYMCH" "L" "" "N""ITEM")) Same lisp routine with added the last command which is loaded from the VLX file. It does not work. (DEFUN C:K0 () (COMMAND "INSERT" "BlockName" "S" "1" "R" "0" (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify insertion point: ")) "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text" "Some Text") (COMMAND "LAYMCH" "L" "" "N""ITEM") (COMMAND "BLOCKC" "L" "R" "0" "PREFIX TEXT" "SUFFIX TEXT")) ;This command is executed from loaded .VLX file. FYI, I do not have access to the source code and I do not need to. All I need is to be able to initiate the command into the lisp routine to auto select the last added block with some attributes and passing some arguments to it. I wish if anyone can help me achieving this target. By the way, I am developing these programs to help me and my teammates speeding up the work progress at our design office. Thanks in advance and wish you all a wonderful day. Regards, Sameh Hosny
  4. svorgodne

    Test VLX / LSP

    Hi there and happy new year. I have a question. One client wants me to re write some vlx routines but he doesn't have the source codes, so I would have to write them from scratch. The problem is that I don't want to run them in my computer because they might have some malicious code. It happened to me already some years ago with a .lsp routine and of course, I want to avoid it. Any recommendation either to run the .vlx safely and find out what is the task? or how could I decode it to a level that I am sure it doesn't contain any malicious code. In any case, thanks in advance.
  5. Hi all, I am developing a lisp application which is associated with a DCL and a SLD image file. It seems like VLIDE 's application wizard wouldn't allow me to attach SLD file to the VLX. Is there any other workaround for that?
  6. Hi all, today, when I tried to compile my visual lisp project into a single VLX file, visual lisp opened an alert box (with 'STOP' in the title of it) showing me: Making Error occured Assertion failed: Invalid PDB position then in the visual lisp console printed the follwing: . . . ... l÷óæÝzî{è÷Ý y™zñæÝkñ}ðõÛnsêgê’ªàxñá¢ysâmûà·sæ`ê÷Çk™gûæÝvípñå´~÷q“Œ£|ƒBÒÓÊ3J×éÛ‰'PÔgÊÓ“&î`„á¢ô}ðö¨l÷uê÷Ê}{ìw„û©vçqžÿ³ylæ`„å®{ìcíæ¦zŽ úý¤yvà{ðû½î`„åµ kæîà¨zñ`÷÷´cr÷ù÷³yoñ{î÷µvæg„ü¦zƒsíÿ£yxæ`„âµoæfêëÝ~ïaûŽÊvð`“Œ« l÷óæÝmê`ûˆ« qæ€ñ´yêxû’ªôf÷æ¢yoñ{î÷µvæg„þ¦zñgžÿ³yhñ}ê÷Ýmìdûà³ zðê÷¿l÷mò÷´cr÷éà®z™dìý·m÷}ûáÝvíqêë·lƒyꈰv÷q„âµoæfêû¢áxññ¬î`„õ¢ô}ðˆ·pçaýæ©ræóæÝz÷ì÷ {çfûá´ysìwÿþª|ë}ð÷Ývízꈤmñqðæ±mð}ñüÎxè«”7½; ; error: Assertion failed: Invalid PDB position ; Make aborted and aborted compilng... Any one knows what is the matter?
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