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  1. Does anyone know why autocad insists on putting this big gap between my user arrow and leader line? Do they enjoy making things difficult?
  2. Hello community! Since people were kind enough to help me on my first attempt, (thanks mostly to StykFacE ) I am back with a second thread regarding blocks and dim leader. When using dim leader, we can choose the arrow head we need from a droplist in the Properties Palette (arrow filled/blank, dot filled/blank, box, oblique, triangle, etc.). The one concerning this post is the last one in the list : user arrow. I want to use an ellipse block as "user arrow". I use this block when I have like 3 or more pipes, wires, ducts, with the same sizes close to each other. Basically, the ellipse groups all objects visually and the leader shows the size for all of them (instead having a multileader pointing to every single item.) At the moment, I have to insert the ellipse block in my drawing, delete it (without purging it so it stays in memory) then I can select it from the "user arrow" menu. I'd like my block to be already loaded in the drawing for me to use it and get rid of the preivous steps I explained. For new drawings, I don't have this problem because I have included the block in our default template. Every time a new drawing is created using the template, the block becomes available for me to use it as user arrow. However, for old or existing drawings, the fix doesn't apply and I have to manually insert the block and then remove it from model space. Any idea on how I could tackle this one? My spidey sense tells me it involves LISP.
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