Hi all,
I'm new to both AutoCad (actually Map 3D) and AutoLisp. I need to create a plugin which creates the bounding boxes for all text objects, and write these bounding boxes to a layer named after a specific scheme, like OriginalLayerName_BoundingBox. So for an example, when a text object is on layer "rooms" the boundary should be created and stored on rooms_BoundingBox.
I'd be very grateful if you could share your LISP expertise with me. I've tried to step into Lisp and AutoCad for a few hours now already, but this task seems a bit too challenging for a "hello world".
Below is the basic script that I have working. It doesn't do more than create bounding boxes which are selected manually, using some fixed arguments to TCIRCLE as I need.
(defun c:MyBounds ( / ss)
(if (not bns_tcircle) (load "acettxt.lsp"))
(if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "TEXT,MTEXT,ATTDEF"))))
(bns_tcircle ss "Variable" "Rectangles" "" 0.35)
My attempts to reflect the functionality above resulted so far just in spagehtti code.
It would be great if you could edit my script for what I need, but even greater if you could also explain it to me.