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Found 7 results

  1. Hi. I've asked a question like this before. But I couldn't solve it, so I asked for your help again. (Emmanuel Delay's lisp does not add up the numbers...) There are numbers(mtext) assigned to different layers. I'd like to get the total of each of these numbers by...
  2. i'm would like to ba able to calculate the sum of linear footage base on the dimlinear text (in linear inch) of multiple line. i already working with a lisp base on the line (i choose the line instead of the dimlinear text) it work good but to keep our work base on all the same technique i need...
  3. I have a 'while' loop that adds what was entered in the command line to a list each time it loops. Then I would like to get the sum of all the numbers in the list. I am pretty confident that this should work: (setq CLength1 (apply '+ (list lst))) But I get this error on the command lin...
  4. Hello everybody, This is my first post on CADTutor. I've been reading alot here even before I became a member, but it is time for me to join the community with a question since I cannot find the exact answer to mine. Question: Is it possible to sum numbers in Mtext fields created with lisps? AT....
  5. Dear all, i have a problem, i want summing the actual dimension. example:dimension shows 22 27/32" but decimal shows 22.83333. not show original 22.84375 its various. how to i find this error.or how rectify this error. and i sum this 5 intermediate is 22 27/32", its comes error 1/32" or 1/16...
  6. Hi, Can some one show me how I can get the below code to work? I cant seem to return a result of formula to an edit box. as you can see from the code snip below, when I type a real number in edit box 1 I would like to get the sum of edit box 1 and 154 to edit box 2. and the same with edit b...
  7. Having some fun with dbConnect... it appears pretty easy to gather information from a database and apply it to a DWG, however it doesn't seem possible to summarize that data (e.g. "how many of these objects are in drawing"). For example, if the database contained window information and several t...
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