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Found 2 results

  1. I have a very specific question regarding sheet sets, specifically the sheet list table that I am hoping someone 'advanced' in sheet sets can answer for me. What I am having an issue with is for my sheet set templates to 'remember' which extra fielded attributes I want to have included automatically when I insert a sheet list table to my project. I have the table format already by default selected, but it never remembers the extra columns I want to add. Example, when I run the command, it shows the sheet number and drawing number fielded attributes in the table, but I also want the revision number and the drawing title inserted as well. I have already previously set the rev and title up as a fielded attribute, it just seem redundant to have to always re-add the rev and title manually when there should be a place somewhere in my sheet set template to 'save' this so when I run the insert sheet list command, it will already know that I want these '4' columns. For some reason it just remembers the first 2. I checked the table format, stuff like that but I have no clue where to adjust the template to ensure that I get the rev and title also inserted automatically. Anyone have any idea where this might be? Any help would be greatly appreciated.......
  2. I've created a Sheet Set and added custom properties for things such as Drawn By, Checked By and such. Whenever I link my title block to these fields, the value shows up but when I change the value in the Sheet Set properties, the value is not automatically updated. I have to manually redirect it to the field. Why isn't it being updated automatically? Thanks!
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