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  1. Hello everyone, I'm making this diagram of the load condition acting on tunnels to explain a Japanese set of equations that are used for the structural analysis for tunnels: But, there is one problem I have. I'm trying to set up the text for the dimension between the water table and the tunnel "Ha" to look horizontal. However, if I click on the properties box and write 90 in the rotation box right next to where it says "text rotation," the dimension text does not rotate 90 degrees; if instead I try to rotate it 180° then it only rotates 90° (and in the opposite direction) instead of 180°. It doesn't matter how many degrees I choose, it won't rotate my dimension "Ha" to desired angle to make it look horizontal. OK I know it's hard to explain my problem with just writing, so I've posted a few pictures: In this one, the dimension is at 0°; I've only opened the properties box to attempt and rotate it: Now I write 90 in properties box but the dimension text does not rotate at all; it remains at 0 as it is shown in the following image: Next I try to rotate 180, just to see what happens; and it does rotate (only 90 degrees!): I finally try to rotate the text 270 just to see if it rotates to desired angle and it does rotate (180 degrees from original position). As shown below: It doesn't matter how many degrees I choose, I cannot make it look horizontal. Is AutoCAD wrong? Or am I wrong? lol xD Any ideas? I'm about to loose a quarter pound of my hair from just thinking about this. Lol just kidding but this is very annoying. How can I set up my dimension text "Ha" to look horizontal? Please help.
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