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  1. Hi All:), I need help and forgive me for my naive and beyond basic questions:D. I've been put in charge of dividing the space of a future retail shop. I have been given the LOD/Rendering of the space which I have attached (click on link to view --> Retail LOD Rendering.pdf). The prospective Landlord requires approval of any changes to the space, and therefore wants to see the proposal on paper. I have been looking for CAD Software to use, but I don't know how to use the ones I've tried:oops:. As I understand it, CAD software is for Architects who already know their trade, and this is where I definitely fall short:cry:. Unfortunately, I don't have time to learn a complicated software, nor do I have unlimited funds to purchase it. I need to get this done ASAP, (i.e., yesterday:P) I have a budget of up to $300 - 500. I have been testing the following software: 3D Home Design This seems to be the best, but once I draw the Polygon Room, it can't draw the exact Dimensions for each wall. Once I draw the 1st wall, and draw the 2nd wall, the 1st wall automatically changes it's length. This software looks the best, but it optimal for Residential Homes, not a Retail Shop [*]pCon.Planner I'm not really sure how to use this:oops: [*]TurboCAD I'm not sure how to use this one either, and it installed some ride along software nobody wants on their computer:? What do you think would be the best suited software for this one-time project for a beginner like myself? Thank you so much in advance for any assistance you can provide. Take care!
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