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  1. Hello guys, Someone knows if's possible I fill up one area, as the picture, with one polyline oriented (or as a guided line), informing the lisp code the initial point, the radius of return line, and the space limits (as the limits line), horizontal or vertical to guide the lines until the whole area it's completely filled up?... Thanks in advance...
  2. A while back AutoCAD introduced semi-parametric extrusions, you could alter the polyline and the extrusion would update. It's a great feature, but has anyone heard of a way of replacing the polyline profile with a different one? This would be very handy for cabinetmakers who use a variety of profiles to their doors. It's a shame 2D blocks can't be extruded as blocks can be replaced...
  3. Hello everyone. This is my first time posting but i have enjoyed a lot of your great work. I use a lot a field about object/polyline/length - decimal 0 (copy it to different polylines and than get their lenghth) and i am tired of changing object from dialogbox. Is there an easy way (lisp or other) to change the object directly and get its length:):)
  4. Hi i required a lisp to draw a poly line along with 2 closed poly lines. If i pick 2 vertexes on 2 polygons, 1 new poly line should be created between these two points along with polygon walls. can any body help. Please refer screen shot for your reference thanks, Prasad
  5. Could someone help point me in the right direction here? I want to filter a selection of polylines (contour lines) by their Z value (ie filter to get only 10' or 5' or 2' contours). I assume I need to test the Z value to see if it is a muliple of 10, 5 or 2, etc... Any hints on hhow to get this sarted? Thanks
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Just a link for topic where PLINETOOLS.ZIP is publicly posted... Block routines for AutoCAD can be found in this link : https://www.theswamp.org/index.php?topic=55186.msg594547#msg594547 (you have to be logged at theswamp.org to access web page and download files...) Make pattern files (*,pat) for AutoCAD/BricsCAD can be found in this link : https://www.cadtutor.net/forum/topic/70417-make-pat-files/page/4/#comments HTH. Regards, M.R.
  7. Hello, I am searching for a lisp that can export the lengths of all selected polylines and export them to either Excel or an AutoCad table. I have found and tested around 20 lisps but so far cannot find the right one. There were only 2 that look promising, maybe they could be modified? One was by Lee Mac and the other Jimmy Bergmark. I can post the 2 Lisp if needed. The lisp would need to have you select multiple polylines and give the total lengths of each polyline in the order that they were selected in. Then the data would either appear on an AutoCad table or Excel. Thanks for any help that can be provided.
  8. Hi, I try to find a dxf files only which is overlapped in multiple dxf files using API. Assist me on this. See the sample dxf. Sample.dxf
  9. I had this awesome code from Lee Mac about aligning a block to an object and wanted to know if it can be updated to also allow for the block to maintain the location and just align from the original location. This is helpful for aligning survey block to the orientation of the road line object. The code is attached to this post. LM_BlockAlign.lsp
  10. Hi, I have thousands of drawings. They are all similar to This.dwg one. My final goal is to merge them into one kml file.. This would take months to do it one by one. If I have the right lisp to automate this in one drawing, then I can use script to run that lisp over other drawings. To reduce the result file size, I decided to keep only the green polyline in the center of the drawing(which matters the most): (defun C:foo ( / varf ins str) ; Selecting Polyline (setq varf (list '(-4 . "<OR") '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE") '(-4 . "<AND") '(0 . "POLYLINE") '(-4 . "<NOT") '(-4 . "&") '(70 . 80) '(-4 . "NOT>") '(-4 . "AND>") '(-4 . "OR>") (cons 62 3) ) ) (sssetfirst nil (ssget "_X" varf)) ; Inverting selection (if (ssget "_I") (progn; then (sssetfirst nil) (command "_.select" "_all" "_remove" (ssget "_p") "") (sssetfirst nil (ssget "_p")) ) (prompt "\nRequires pre-selection."); else ) ; Delete Selection (command "_.erase") ; And This is how I insert Drawing Name (and (or (> (getvar 'DWGTITLED) 0) (alert "Save the drawing then try again!") ) (setq ins (getpoint "\nChoose Insertion Point: ")) (setq str (entmakex (list '(0 . "MTEXT") '(100 . "AcDbEntity") '(100 . "AcDbMText") (cons 10 (trans ins 1 0)) (cons 40 0.8);Text height (cons 7 "STANDARD");Text style '(1 . "") ) ) ) (vla-put-textstring (vlax-ename->vla-object str) "%<\\AcVar Filename \\f \"%tc4%fn2\">%}" ) ) ) Now these are what I'm looking for: - I don't want to pick the insertion point manually, need to insert field inside or over selected polyline - after inserting field text, I want to explode the text. to maintain drawing name after merge. - adding a condition to check the process, if anything goes wrong, insert that drawing name at (0,0,0). this way I can track that file to check it manually. Thank you in Advanced.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This lisp label block intersect point between plines. Date create: February 2020 Lisp start with command: Int . At line 103 change try2 with your block name The lisp work only with plines, 1.Select pline 2.Write which letter is the line 3.When you are ready pres ENTER 4.Select line 5.Write which number is the line 6.When you are ready pres ENTER
  12. Suppose you have a list called ptlist that consists of points (i.e. (x, y, z) coordinates), and a polyline entity called pline. Not assuming that all these points are on the pline, can you recursively try to (command "break" pline) and subsequent resulting entities. I'm trying out the logic of this exercise, but I can't seem to correct my logic. Currently I have my code looking like this. ;; pline - polyline entity ;; pt - [LIST] (e.g. ((x1, y1, z1) (x3, y3, z3) (x2, y2, z3))) (setq plinelist nil) (foreach pt (MA:ptlist ss) ;; generates my list of points from a function that takes a selection set (setq plinelist (append pline plinelist)) ;; appends the polyline list with current pline (could be original, could be subsequent) ;; ensures the last on the list is the original pline (if (command "break" pline pt pt) ;; test to see if polyline can break with first point (setq pline (entlast)) ;; subsequent resulting pline to be added on plinelist on next iteration (progn ;; else if polyline can't break at pt (if (command "break" (last plinelist) pt pt) ;; tests the last pline (setq p1 (car plinelist) ;; placeholder of previous pline entity pline (entlast)) ;; new pline to append in the next iteration (if (command "break p1 pt pt) ;; else ;; p1 = nil empty if the first plinelist length is 1 (setq pline (entlast)) ) ) ) ) ) I know there's a simpler way of doing this but I can't seem to find it. If you fellas can help, that would be a great learning experience.
  13. Hi all, I would like to ask for your help to create a lisp to facilitate the following task (FYI I'm not versed in creating lisp). Sometimes we need to check floor plans to ensure all areas are within the max. fire escape travel distance (TD). I'll need to draw polylines (consists of few segments) from exit staircase entrance and see the max. TD can covers up to where. Each time I have to estimate the length as I draw the polyline, followed by go to properties to check the length, then adjust the polyline length, then check the length and keep repeating these steps until the polyline reached exactly the max. TD. And I have many of these polylines that I need to draw and is very time consuming. Fyi the max. TD can varies depending on the space usage. As such it would be very helpful if there's a lisp to create polyline with the following function: 1. User defined max. distance that I can draw; 2. While drawing the polyline, as the mouse cursor moves there's a live display of the total distance next to the cursor. This is to help us to know it has so far reached how much distance; 3. Once reached the final click where the max. distance has reached, polyline command ended and will ask for placement of text to display the distance (eg. 60m). As different projects/ plans will have different scale there needs to have an option for user to specify text height before placement. When drawing subsequent polylines the last specified text height will remain as default. Meaning when prompted for text height it will shows the last specified height as default, user just need to press enter if they don't wish to change the text height. Appearance of Polyline/ Text: 4. Linetype: DASHED2 (acadiso.lin) 5. Polyline width: 50mm 6. Linetype Scale: 0.2 7. Layer: Use current 8. A circle of 200mm diameter to mark the start point of polyline; an arrow head to mark end of polyline (Refer to screenshot below and attachment). 9. Text Style: Arial Any help on the above would be very much appreciated. Many thanks in advance! Polyline with Defined Distance.dwg
  14. I have a great request. I need to scale some polyline contours from ground to grid coordinates. Using the scale comand this works, but the Z value is scaled as well. The thing is, I want to scale the X and Y only, not the Z. So far the only way to do this is to create a block, scale it, then explode. This takes a lot of time that to me seems unnecessary. So this is what I was thinking for a lisp routine that can do what I need. Select a polyline (contours) Scale the polyine to some factor. Reset the Z value to the orginal value before scaling. I hope this makes sense. Haha. Anyone willing to tackle this?
  15. Hai, i need a help. I have a working lisp routine which gives me distance(chainage) of polyline when clicked on the pline i selected. It will add a text there showing chainage. Only thing i want is i need the chainage also in an external Excel Workbook cell. Like when i click and get the chainage there i want to get that chainage in excel workbook cell which is open (like Click to Xls lisp). Pls reply if its possible... thanks Attaching the lisp file and also adding same lisp code below. ;-- PIPE CHAINAGE abhi- CAA -- (defun c:CAA (/ s p c tp sch f) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq sch (getstring "\nSpecify start chainage : <0>")) ;"0" is set as the default value (if (= sch "")(setq sch "0")) (if (and (setq s (car (entsel "\nPick a polyline :"))) (or (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget s))) "LWPOLYLINE") (alert "Invalid object! Please pick a polyline only.") ) ) (while (and (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify point :") ) (setq c (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto s p)) (setq tp (getpoint "\nSpecify Point for Text : ")) ) (setq di (vlax-curve-getdistatpoint s c)) (setq f (fix (/ di 1000.0))) (setq di (- di (* f 1000.0))) (command "_.LEADER" c tp "" (strcat "FF-LINE 01" ) (strcat "CH=" (itoa (+ (atoi sch) f)) "+" (rtos di 2 3)) "" ) (vlax-put-property (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)) 'height 3.50);;; Text Height 3.50 ) ) (setvar "cmdecho" 1) (princ) ) (vl-load-com) LINE CHAIN & CORDS - CAA.LSP
  16. I Have lisp for placing slope and arrow with polyline and i want enhance this to what i need mention in my drawing file..so i have attached lisp & sample drawing file . and also want to enhance lisp for select all polyline at once, currently lisp select on object at once. thanks. Slope.lsp SLOPE SAMPLE.dwg
  17. Im doing quantity takeoff of a building and just introduced to custom Lisps by google search. i wonder if the below task is doable using lisp. 1. batch label polylines (multiple selected polylines labelled with incremental numbers prefixed to a text which can be entered manually, for example, 1-Beam1, 2-Beam1 etc.. 1-Beam2, 2-Beam2 and so on). perhaps modify the attached lisp that labels selected polylines with its layer name ll-Label A line with its own layer name.lsp which i got from internet 2. create a table that would contain the label (as given by the above lisp), layer name, length, and area of selected polylines one by one. something like the attached lisp which create length and area of selected polylines. test area length.lsp i got that too from internet and originally gave polyline lengths and i modified it to give area too. thank you all
  18. Hello. In my drawing, there are many blocks around and it says how many floors they are inside. I want to extrude these blocks. But since they are so numerous, it takes a long time to do it one by one. I'm looking for a lisp to extrude these blocks according to the numbers written in them. It also works to select polylines based on the numbers inside I'm sorry for my bad english. http://prntscr.com/yz55au
  19. Hai, i need a help in editing a lisp code. I have a working lisp routine which gives me perpendicular distance to main pline when clicked on a place perpendicular to the pline i selected. Only thing i want to change is i dont need perpendicular distance from main pline but i need same main pline distance(chainage) where i click. Pls reply if its possible... thanks:) Attaching the lisp file and also adding same lisp code below, (defun c:CE (/ s p c a d tp sch) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq sch (getstring "\nSpecify start chainage : <0>")) ;"0" is set as the default value (if (= sch "")(setq sch "0")) (if (and (setq s (car (entsel "\nPick a polyline :"))) (or (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget s))) "LWPOLYLINE") (alert "Invalid object! Please pick a polyline only.") ) ) (while (and (setq p (getpoint "\nSpecify point perpendicular to polyline :") ) (setq c (vlax-curve-getclosestpointto s p)) (setq a (angle p c)) (not (grdraw p c 1 -1)) ;; rubber line in red colour. (setq d (angle '(0. 0. 0.) (vlax-curve-getfirstderiv s (vlax-curve-getparamatpoint s c) ) ) ) (or (or (equal (rem (+ d (* pi 0.5)) (+ pi pi)) a 1e-4) (equal (rem (+ d (* pi 1.5)) (+ pi pi)) a 1e-4) ) (alert "Picked point is not a perpendicular to picked polyline. <!>" ) ) (setq tp (getpoint "\nSpecify Point for Text : ")) ) (command "_.LEADER" p tp "" (strcat "CH=" sch "+" (rtos (vlax-curve-getdistatpoint s c) 2 3)) (strcat "E=" (rtos (car p) 2 3)) (strcat "N=" (rtos (cadr p) 2 3)) "" ) (vlax-put-property (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)) 'height 0.60);;; Text Height 0.60 ) ) (setvar "cmdecho" 1) (princ) ) (vl-load-com) COORD & CHAIN - FINAL AB.LSP
  20. I want to create a polyline with pl command between points from 2 different layers. Sorry for the low-quality photo. Is there an easy way to create a LISP bc there are thousands of points I need to do manually? Any help would be appreciated.
  21. Hello, I have been trying for the last few days to automate out a process but have found myself pretty stuck. The process now involves manually going in and looking at the properties of the polyline and copying over the length to a separate excel file and matching it to the block that it goes to. The blocks all have their locations recorded on a separate excel file. The best lead that I have right now is that I can use Data Extraction to pull all of the poly line data at once. However sadly the Data Extraction command cannot pull information of the vertexes of polylines. This is where i need help! I was thinking that I could get around this by assigning the location of the first vertex of the polyline's (the start point 's) X and Y coordinates to the hyperlink, which CAN be extracted with Data Extraction. With the X and Y coordinates I would be able to cross compare the X and Y coordinates with the one from the block and know which it is matched too. I am very new to using LISP and have attempted to write it myself with little success. I am not sure how to write in the Hyperlink just as a string rather than as an actual address. I would like to be able to select all of the polylines at once and have to command change all the hyperlinks at once. Thanks in advance for the help, I am exited to get better at using LISP! Leo
  22. Hi Everyone, Needed some help here. I needed a lisp that can create polyline at the middle of every two parallel lines that I selected. The subsequent polyline created will automatically chamfered with the previous created polyline. I'll try my best to illustrate below: When I select line A and line B a polyline will be created in the middle of the two lines. Then I continue to select line C and D another polyline will be created in the middle and it automatically chamfers with the previous created polyline (at distance 0) to form a continuos polyline, and so on. Refer to the 'After' image to understand the end result (generated polyline in green). However there are some issues that need to be tackled in order to achieve what I needed as follow: 1) The lines that I need to select (i.e. A to H) can be in the form of normal line, polyline, part of a rectangle and sometimes they are within a block or nested block. Hence I must be still able to select these lines individually instead of end up selecting the whole rectangle or block. 2) When comes to a T-junction situation there needs to be a way for me to choose which side (eg. left or right) the polyline should chamfer to. 3) I need an option/ button to switch to normal polyline command during the process, and also switch back to this lisp command as and when during the process. It would be very very helpful if such lisp can exist. Any help would be very much appreciated. Many thanks in advance!
  23. I am looking for a way to readily magnetize polyline vertex to a point. Any idea? Thank you.
  24. Hello guys, anyone knows if there is a lisp that copies a line or polyline length automatically to clipboard after selecting it? I have A LOT of polylines and I have to insert their lengths into a table, it's a bit of a pain in the ass having to write every single length, just select paste select paste seems faster right? :) Thx.
  25. Hello Everyone, I'm working on a GIS Application which is running with AutoCAD, in that we are placing some lines and structures, while placing that the annotation will be placced automatically middle point of that poly line. after that we need to align that as per the below image. is there any possible to align the blocks automatically. steps would be Select two Blocks--->Select the Line then the blocks should be alined automatically as per the below image. can anyone help me on this. Thanks in advance. Sample.dwg
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