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  1. This is my first post so first of all I would like to welcome everyone. I hope that I could learn a lot from you guys. I would like to write a simple (I hope so ) lisp which will help me a lot during my work at the office. Drawings that we receive are in 2d but are created from a 3d model made on bentley software. Because of that all the dimensions are overriden even if they are not changed. We are asked to overline every single dimension which was shortened. What I would like to achive is to - by single command - select all the dimension in the drawing, check if they are matching with actual measurement (this is the place where I get really confused) and if not than overline them (put %%o before the overriden text). Later on I would like to develop it a little, maybe by adding option to select all or only chosen dimensions, but it is not a "must have" My lisp level is really basic. By far I rather do more of a script than lisp, but I would like to learn much more, that is why I appreciate all the help with this and as many comments as possible to help me understand how it all works. Thank You for all responses
  2. hi I open lots of drawing that comes from different authors and their units setting varied, every time I need to open units dialog box and set it to the way I prefer. I want to write it in an SCR or DIESEL script and load it automatically with each drawing. what is the best method to write it and to load it with each drawing that I open? THanks
  3. Has anyone seen a dimension lisp where I could replace the text with, for example, "? /P E.O.S." automatically without having to manually do it? I have other things to use this with but if someone where to provide something like this I think I could manipulate it to what I want. Ideally, I'd like to be able to copy a dimstyle that I already have and just have a constant in place of the actual dim. This way it would keep my layers, arrow types and other settings, etc... Any ideas are appreciated! -Nobull
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